Update 1.991

  • Fixed “Freeze Chat” setting in the File menu
  • Fixed Aethertech being identified as Sorceress with EU GF data.pak
  • Updated OpenSSL libraries in the main installer
  • Fixed some text rendering issues on tray notification windows


  • Fixed: Blessing of Wind VII (Gameforge broke skill names)
  • Fixed: Some spirit skills (Gameforge broke skill names)
  • Added some icons to the menus
  • Added a tool: change EU install folder


  • Fixed: some issues when saving session files.
  • Feature: sound volume setting for mp3 triggers.

New installer uploaded

I’ve uploaded a new installer to fix the issues caused by the last update. Somehow 64-bit OpenSSL DLLs ended up in the setup instead of 32-bit (ARM is 32-bit, need the same type of dlls), and that was causing the issue for many people.

Fix: simply download arm again from here and install over.

Youtube unblocked Aion video

If you follow my website, you will know Gameforge recently made ilegal false claims of property against a user video who was showing how they banned some players without reason, and so the video was blocked for everyone. I advised my friend to contest the fake claim by GF and they just now unblocked it after reviewing the case, so the video is now up for all to see again:

[youtuber youtube=’http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wGWS3ZnM2p8′]



(updated-3) Ineptforge strikes again

Edit: July 26th

Youtube unblocked the video after reporting the false ownership claims by Gameforge.


Edit: July 24th

Gameforge appears to be abusing their publishing license and made a false claim of copyright to Youtube to get the video blocked. My friend is getting it uploaded elsewhere and has also contacted YT to contest the fake claims. Will update soon with new link and the progress of this story. (Gameforge don’t own the game in any way, only NCSoft (Korea) does).

Audio-visual content administered by:


A friend asked me to post a video here, so there you go:

video reuploaded to Video: http://vimeo.com/101581492

[youtuber vimeo=’http://vimeo.com/101581492′]

banned video in YT:

[youtuber youtube=’http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wGWS3ZnM2p8′]



