Turned 64-bit launch option back on by default and removed the warning.
Month: November 2016
Lost in translation
Ever wondered what all the mentally handicapped people spamming other languages in group chat are saying? fret no more, ARM is here to help.
Added “.gt” in-game command. This can be used in 2 ways:
- “.gt blah blah” this will open google translate with “blah blah” in your browser with Auto->English
- “.gt” this will open the GT again but with the last 5 lines found in the chat (group/ally/say etc, except for whispers/lfg)
Some changes to the EU automatic login option:
Holding CTRL before starting the client (from ARM) has this effect:
- If Aion is already running, it will still use the login/pass (else it won’t, to avoid getting 1st client dc’ed)
- If Aion is not running, it won’t use the login
NA Data.pak 5.1 v2
New NA pak is ready with the latest fixes from EU pak (broker last row etc) and all the updates from live NA 5.1 (they updated yesterday).