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0.91 Beta
2012-03-07 15:11:12
New build with lots of changes:

  • Benchmark code rewritten; now it also includes a short test log so all test results will use the same data for every user

  • Updated AionScript hack detection code

  • Siege mode removed (detection is a lot more accurate, and dots/servants are limited to avoid giving a caster extra incorrect hits; keep in mind though, only 1 caster will be registered for their hits so other casters will be missing data from theirs)

  • Added Settings/Show Processing Time: this will show you how many ms it takes to process data for every second

  • Parsing code speed greatly improved

  • Spiritmaster pets are now split into a different user -Pets- by default. You can change this in the settings (not recommended, cause this data is impossible to check when there is more than 1 sm around, and also in sieges the balaurs have pets named the same as spiritmasters')

  • Added a new settings menu

  • Added a feature to enable/disable the chatlog straight from the settings window, new users no longer need to fiddle with any files

  • Added a feature to edit the system.cfg file (automatically decrypted/re-encrypted)

  • URL links in-game will now show up as a balloon message in the tray, you can click it there to open it in the browser

  • Added player gear search (via ".ps" command and with right-click on player display) for NotAion

  • Now you can also run the Aion client from the meter or G15 LCD for both US and NotAion servers. In the case of NotAion, it first performs a check for login/game server being online, and also shows the online users in a tray message

  • Misc fixes in damage parsing code

  • Added a setting (default) to run 64-bit Aion client if you are on x64 windows (automatically disabled while running NotAion, it doesn't seem to work on x64)

  • Added a setting to minimize the main window to tray. Double click the tray icon to bring it back up

  • Removed "Unknown" player from ap/dmg data copy


Raw draft of to-do stuff for next versions:
sm dmg summons check
remove player search for euro
curse of weakness
chat tab dmg taken
chat tab AP gain from kills
AP gain in display
manual AP adjust
UI changes
alternate UI

ARM and Windows 8
2012-03-07 15:21:14
Been testing ARM with the upcoming Windows 8, everything running fine so far :)

0.92 beta
2012-03-10 08:22:03

  • URL links displayed in the tray through a balloon message will now be skipped if it's the same as last one

  • The last URL link can now be clicked through the tray icon menu (right-click)

  • Major DPS adjustments to some classes, you might see some differences from previous versions

  • DPS penalty from low damage dots has been minimized a bit

  • Asmodian Magma Spirit (2K) now supported

  • Spiritmaster energies are now supported (all 4 types), with correct timing/skill hits to avoid invalid data during siege

  • Fire pet from siege balaurs is now properly parsed

  • XML files (compressed) for loading/saving sessions have a small modification, it's possibly you might encounter issues loading older ones

  • Removed all debug code (speed-up)

  • "Show process time" now also shows lines/s

  • Siege weapons are now recognized

  • Curse of weakness is now recognized and assigned to the caster

  • AP gain from mobs and pvp kills is now displayed

  • Added an option under every player's menu to manually adjust the AP from relics

  • Added 2 buttons next to the server setting to Ping and Trace the IP

  • Modified terms of use regarding the detection of AionScript cheats

update to 0.92
2012-03-10 08:49:30
If you downloaded 0.92 prior to this post, please redownload, fixed an issue with the AP gain counter.
small update to 0.92
2012-03-12 08:57:11

  • Added 2 fields to saved sessions XML: raw dps log per skill and AP gain from pve/pvp kills.

  • Updated Telemechus hacker warning list with new details.

  • Removed some leftover debug code.

2012-03-15 01:32:05

  • New: the tray icon will change colour to green when you receive a whisper until you reply, so if you come back from AFK you can check for missing messages.

  • Re-enabled the live log analysis code to detect and warn about script cheaters on the go. This is experimental and not final.

0.95 beta
2012-03-18 01:40:16
New build with some changes:

  • When the tray icon is green (whisper received/not answered), you can hover the mouse over it to reset it.

  • You can now type ".item sky dragon" (.item anything..) to search for gear/items in

  • When you copy the AP list either with .ap or through the menu, the list will show through a balloon tray message as well.

  • Other minor fixes and stuff I forgot -.-

  • Added a different player display mode:

  • Major change: added a group/ally setting. You can now specify players who are in your group or ally, by either right-clicking on them-> "Switch InGroup/Ally", automatically when they join, or you can add them manually through Data-> Add g/a members (necessary when filtered). You can then use Settings-> "Show only my g/a" so that only those will be displayed and included in the damage/dps parsing. When you use this feature, all the players not set as part of your group/ally will be automatically removed. This setting isn't saved when you restart the program. You can also use Data->"Copy Dmg/dps (group/ally)" to show only those set as group if you haven't filtered the display.


small update to 0.95
2012-03-19 23:30:58

  • Added french servers

  • Improved parsing of pvp hits

  • Removed a debug message that triggers sometimes with godstone hits

  • Fixed an issue with "show only group/ally" where it didn't register your own hits

  • Added a visual hint when "show only group.." is enabled

  • Added an updater so you dont need to reinstall everytime:

Hacker DB update
2012-03-20 01:52:07
Updated Telemachus script hacker list with some players from pegasus gr (noanimation/teleport etc).
2012-03-22 14:46:21

  • Few small fixes to parsing code.

2012-03-25 21:31:01

  • Updated hackers DB.

  • Fixed an issue with in-game commands related to date/time when using Greek regional settings.

Bans in Telemachus
2012-03-27 08:17:19
Finally, Gameforge is starting to take action on the rampant hackers ruining the European servers. I got notice several players were banned yesterday following reports from the warnings given by ARM of hackers in server Telemachus. So please keep it up, continue reporting all those players you see using script hacks like no-animation, teleports, glidehacks and anything suspicious. It's really nice to see GF willing to do something about the mess left behind by NC :)


Processing speed
2012-03-28 19:25:00
Been testing the parser speed in last couple sieges, and after the optimization and debug code removal in last few versions it's now barely using any cpu. Even with yesterday's siege showing around 600 players, processing of data was still smooth :) You can check this with Settings/Show processing time. This will show how long it needs in ms to process data every second tick, and how many lines per second are being checked. If it would reach 1000+ it means it can't cope with the amount of data and dps numbers will be off and innacurate, but so far I haven't seen it over 100-200.

Small update to 0.96
2012-03-28 20:14:03

  • Updated hacker lists for Telemachus and Nexus.

  • Fixed an issue with the faction translator from Asmo to Elyos.

  • Session loading is now smoother.

  • Added "Help/Redownload latest update" , you can use this in case something went wrong while updating.

  • Added new feature Data/Class filters, to remove all classes from the current list except the one picked; useful in sieges to compare class dmg.

  • The updater is now embedded in the main arm executable, to ease updates of the.. updater. It will be extracted to "Appdata/Aion RainMeter" when needed automatically (antivirus might give a warning).

2012-03-29 00:34:16

  • Fixed player gear search to reflect the recent merge in US servers. Please enter settings/main settings to check you selected the right server.

0.97 beta
2012-03-30 07:45:11

  • Added a check for Gold Package remaining time (European servers only). When it's below 24 hours it will give you a warning (688 used as a test for the screenshot, it will warn only when below 24). For this to work, you must have the meter running before logging in/switching characters.

  • Added some visual styles, you can switch through the menu Settings/Visual Styles

More hackers banned in Europe.
2012-03-30 14:11:22
A lot more script cheaters seem to be getting banned last couple weeks, thanks to reports from the warnings given by the meter and other sources. Gameforge seems to be finally taking this very seriously. So get your fraps ready when arm gives you a hacker warning and report, one by one they will all fall :) The warnings were quite controversial at first and obviously most of the hackers complained and tried to defend themselves saying it was bs etc, but now we are being proved right ^^


Is enabling chat.log allowed?
2012-04-02 18:15:29
A lot of new users seem to be worried about this the most, is this tool allowed to be used?

Since it is using only the chat.log file generated by the client, there is nothing unsafe with using this tool. It doesn't read client memory or network data, it doesn't interact with the client in any way while it's running, it doesn't gather any info other than what you already see on screen in the chat tabs, and none of its features is associated with any form of cheating.

There was an ~official statement today in the Gameforge forums about using the chat.log:

Small update to 0.97 beta
2012-04-02 18:28:23
Removed ".kill" in-game command

This command was used to close the aion client while in-game. It was very useful since NC introduced the 10-second delay while closing the client, cause often the game bugged not letting me relog chars, and closing the game through normal means had no effect, so I was forced to terminate the process through the task manager. However, this could be easily associated with force-logging, so I am removing the feature for further compliance with NC/GF terms of use.

You can still close it through the menu, which isn't much different than using task manager. (If they would ban the tool for this, they might as well ban the entire Windows operating system for letting you close the process through task manager etc when it freezes or causes any trouble).
Looking for a US account to borrow for 3.0 updates
2012-04-03 08:59:27

I'd like to ask for someone to let me access a free US account with at least some lvl 50-55 chars with different classes, so that I can update ARM with the new 3.0 skills and check for any changes in the log to make sure everything's working correctly. Since I play in EU servers I never had a US account, and it looks like we won't be seeing 3.0 with Gameforge until at least summer.

Use the contact form if you can help me someway :)
Reminder about french/german support
2012-04-04 20:55:09

I'm getting lots of requests again to add support for french and german clients. Unfortunately, this needs a lot more work than I'm willing to put; rather than simply translating skills and words for recognition, the format of the log is vastly different for each language. ARM doesn't use any kind of regex, the parsing is a large complex block of code and subroutines handling many kind of special cases, on a per-class basis and with some background analyzing post previous recognition. The result is an extremelly fast and accurate parsing, much more than any other Aion meter around :) (f.e ARM handles 700-800 players in siege without freezing or any delays, while others like KDM will choke). So adding support for other language clients requires a lot of work.

Besides that issue, I don't really like or support having games and media on the net in different languages, and believe there is no need to waste time and efforts into that, while we have an internationally accepted standard, English.

I have to note however.. and maybe some people aren't aware of this, you can still run the English Aion client while playing in french and german servers, just pick the language in the client launcher.
0.98 beta
2012-04-05 08:15:41
Approaching stable relase 1.0, here's a new beta:

  • Added a warning when you edit system.cfg if Aion is still running (needs to be closed first)

  • Fixed a bug in the chat tab, where shouts appeared as "houts"

  • Added an option File/Save RAW to save the current session raw logfile

  • Updated hacker lists in various servers, and hack app detection code

  • Added some checks to avoid sandboxing of ARM to maybe try to avoid hack detection

  • Moved some of the menu options from Tools to File

  • Default style has been set to "Cobalt XE". You can change this in Settings/Visual style

  • Fixed some graphical issues with the new visual styles

  • Added a check when you open ARM, if Aion is running in a language other than English it will give a warning

  • Added a check when trying to run x64 Aion, warns you if you aren't on a x64 windows

  • Added a check, when starting ARM it gives a warning if chat.log is not enabled

  • Fixed an issue with alpha blending transparency setting not being remembered after restart

  • Fixed some issues in the "all damage" and Damage Profiler areas, the damage was incorrect sometimes

  • Removed Fire-cannon from AP data copy

Wooops ^^
2012-04-05 14:55:21
I messed something up in the last update; there's a function call that results in a crash on start-up. The issue happens if Aion is not running when you start the meter.. my bad for not testing it properly ( I only checked with Aion running).

If you are getting the error in the screenshot below, just redownload the full installer here: I already fixed it and uploaded the patched version.
Aliens stole some memory and doublebuffering!
2012-04-06 17:05:20
Hi, here's another update, 0.99 beta, almost there!

It looks like aliens somehow stole the doublebuffering in the main window, so you might have noticed some heavy flickering in sieges and some other graphical glitches. It seems they also managed to get away with some memory, so you might have experienced some memory leaks while loading sessions.

No panic though, we catched them all and the issues are fixed.

In the meantime, I made also some major speed improvements in the parsing core and my custom XML library, resulting in extremelly faster loading/saving of sessions and processing of log files. I tested with my largest siege file with 717 players and 3 million lines, the processing time was lowered from ~2:30 minutes to .. 7-8 seconds, now that's an improvement :D

Added also some hints in the menus about their associated in-game commands like .dmg .ap etc

Also half-fixed: player search for US servers; it seems the old website is no longer working and I hadn't noticed. However.. it won't be filtered by server for now, just a quick fix. It seems the new website doesn't allow starting a direct search filtered by server, but instead it filters the results after the initial search through a json/ajax query and modifies the page in-place without reloading; so it needs some additional work, it'll be ready for 1.0.
Update to skills window for next update
2012-04-08 13:44:40
Did a few changes to the skills window for next version:

  • Timestamp will now contain only the time, not the date

  • Added number of hits on the window caption

  • Added mob/player name in the hits list

  • Added a search/filter box; this is nice to quickly check specific hits you did in pvp or to a specific mob

1.0 preview
2012-04-27 10:53:11
Separate system.cfg editor
2012-04-28 17:30:47
I've released a separate little app solely for editing the Aion system.cfg file (you can improve video performance through some of the settings there).

It was included in ARM as an additional tool, but it will be no longer included from the next version, for further compliance with the Aion Terms of Use, should they deem ARM as a bannable 3rd party tool due to its capability to edit the client settings.

There has been no statement however about this, only a couple posts from a clueless forum moderator who's not even part of the paid staff: (while he's actually breaking the ToS himself by using voice packs that don't belong to the publisher, quite the hypocrisy -.- )

Other posts from a different mod however always said there is no issue with this and they aren't banning anyone over using the meter.

But just in case and to be even safer from false claims about ARM breaking the terms of use, the editor part has been removed.


(Note. some users claim a noticeable performance increase by changing the video_MODEL_CACHE from 3 (default) to 0. I tried it myself but didn't really notice any change)

Setup area updated
2012-05-08 17:38:52
Updated a bit the help/setup area to match the features of new 1.0 beta coming today.
Localization/translation status
2012-05-08 17:45:21
Just a reminder/update on the status of languages:

App translation: will never happen, I believe all software should be limited to English. (However, I would add translation support if paid appropriately for it).

Aion client support:

  • English: already supported

  • German/French: will never be supported (unless paid to do so). English client already works with all European servers. These clients are the reason we still don't have 3.0 in Europe. If you are a German or French player and you are using English client since the beginning, please mail Gameforge and let them know how useless these dubs and translated clients are.

  • Chinese: discarded.

  • Russian: very unlikely but would do if paid for it.

  • Japanese: I'd be willing to add jp support, but their playerbase is probably too small to be worth it

  • Korean: I'd be willing to add support for the Korean client. For that, I'd need to be supplied with a working vpn, korean account, and someone with access to various lvl60 characters/classes and able to communicate fluently in English to work with me in the translation and understanding of the korean client log format.

1.0 beta
2012-05-09 14:26:21
Finally version 1.0 is here. Not with everything I wanted, but the few remaining features will be added to 1.1
Consider this a beta as well since it hasn't been thoroughly tested.

Changelog (must have missed some things)

UI Changes:

  • Percentage bars: the player boxes now include a small % bar displaying the percentage of damage done by that user. To view the number, hover the mouse over. You can hide them by default from the settings area, or by clicking on them to switch to AP relics counter. When you loot relics, it will be switched automatically.

  • Alternate style: added a new style for player boxes, a bit similar to the Wow dps meter addons I've seen around. In this mode, the % is displayed differently, using the entire player box as the progress bar, and showing the top player as 100% and adjust the others relative to that.

  • Minimalist UI: added a temporal setting to remove all UI elements besides the player boxes and the transparency slider.

  • Enemy faction: now you can set players as "Enemy faction" via right-click menu/Switch Enemy Faction. This is a per-server setting. Those tagged as opposite faction will be displayed in purple.

  • "X" clear button is now invisible until there is some data to clear. If there are no visible players but you see the X, it means there are at least active applied effects etc, and it's best to clear it for more accurate results before starting a new parsing.

  • Added a small display to show various data: quests/pvp AP gain and Kills, Exp/Mobs killed, Kinah gained/spent. You can switch between the 3 by clicking on it.


  • Added a new window/tool "Graphs/Reports" (.report in-game) where you can filter players/damage by mob/boss. More options will be added there in the future like graphs etc.

  • ApCalc: removed most functionality of this area since it's no longer needed with the in-game relics tool; now it's just a basic AP calc.

  • Hacker Report: Added an option in the player menus, "Build hacker report". If you suspect someone is cheating/hacking, this will copy all their current data like skills timing, damage, and every action with their name from the current session raw log, ready to be included in a support ticket.

  • Added a tool "Item Library". You can access it from the menu or using ".item .." (you can include a search term). You can then double click the item there to get the in-game item code to paste.


  • Logfile will now be automatically re-assigned after you delete/rename it from the size-warning dialog, as long the path is still valid.

  • Player leaving the group/ally or being kicked, as well as yourself disbanding the group, will now unset their InGroup status.

  • Shockwave: If you don't use C-Dredgion's "shockwave" quest item when the Captain is being engaged, you'll get a warning.

  • Updated Telemachus hacker lists.

  • Gradient style setting fixed, it was reset upon restart.

  • You can now pause/resume the dps parsing with in-game commands ".pause" ".resume".

  • You can now close most additional windows with ESC (main window will minimize instead).

  • Launching Aion client from ARM now includes the setting to right-click/block spammers.

  • Removed the AP relics list from skills window. You can now access that from the right-click menu for every player "show AP relics".

  • Log size warning trigger reduced from 200MB to 100MB.

  • Added a setting in the logsize warning dialog to skip closing Aion when deleting/renaming (must be on the char selection, else the client will crash).

  • Chatlog enabling checks are improved/easier.

  • Client language is now checked if Aion is running when you open ARM. It will give a warning if it's not English (german/french not supported).

  • Items DB updated, now containing 49.717 items (still missing 3.0 stuff, if you have a link with an updated list please contact me).

  • Edited US servers list.

  • Clipboard setting: added an option to disable clipboard monitoring (not really needed anyway, see below).

  • Clipboard monitoring will not take affect from 1.0 unless the Aion client is the currently active window, ensuring what you copied/cut was an in-game command for ARM.

  • Added a "Faction" setting. For now this is only used for the in-game faction translation, to avoid the EA/AE setting. Now you can just do ".tr text to translate".

  • "Alias": Added an Alias sub-menu for your own player box, where you can specify one of the pre-set characters to be used when you copy dmg/ap etc data for pasting.

  • Chat window size is now remembered after restart.

  • Added a new copy macro to include only Dmg, not dps. Access it from the Data menu or using ".hit" in-game.

  • Changed in-game command ".item" to ".armory".

  • Added in-game commands ".ping" and ".iptrace" (does the same as clicking the buttons from the settings window).

  • Changed the IP for the ping and trace commands. Now it pings the specific IP for every server (it was only the login server before). Note however, US servers seem to be firewalled against ICMP (ping), so you should do a trace instead for those.

  • Added ".check playername" to check whether a player is your local player database. If found, it will display the player status with a tray tooltip.

  • Fixed: some things were not being processed when you had chat features disabled, like AP from pvp kills and some other things.

  • Added support to manually process older large log files. Before it used to cap at 150-200 MB unless you had 64-bit version (no longer supported). Now you can process any size file.

  • Fixed some issues arising from using more than 1 ARM instance at the same time, where the G15/510 display would get stuck.

  • Added a "portable" option. You can run arm with /portable as argument, and it will use a settings folder where the exe is located, rather than in AppData. This is very useful if you play both in US and EU regions, so that you can keep separate settings for each. You can also run a portable instance from the File menu.

Tray notifications:

  • Replaced the Windows traditional tooltip messages by my own system to overcome some issues: up to 3 messages are now displayed at once; when a message is displayed, it won't make the taskbar come out of auto-hide if you had it set that way; the messages will be displayed also in windowed-fullscreen mode. Like the traditional tooltips, they will fade away after some seconds (with some exceptions) or upon right-click.

Player Database:

  • Added "hacker" status, so you can assign players deemed hackers yourself and get a warning, besides the hardcoded lists and live analysis/reports.

  • Database features are now disabled for new instances while more than 1 ARM is running.

System.cfg editor:

  • Removed the embedded system.cfg editor and released it as a separate app for further compliance with the ToS etc. You can get it at the downloads area.

Speed improvements:

  • "Class Compare" tool is now extremely faster.

  • Class filter feature is now extremely faster.

  • Skills window is now extremely faster, able to display even millions of hits with no delay.


  • Core parsing has been completely rewritten and is now a lot more accurate.

  • Wintry is now recognized and identified as such in the skills window.

  • Delayed hits from sorc are now assigned correctly when more than 1 is present.

  • Better support for IceSheet and Whirlwind.

  • Most applied effects are now supported, like Poison and Venom from sins, Promise/Blessing and others. This is much improved in situations with more than 1 of the same class present, with some smart-code that tries to guess what belongs to who upon certain conditions, and also destroys existing dots/effects when player dies.

  • Cleric servants in siege or in situations with more than 1 cleric present are now a lot more accurate.

  • PVP: most pvp hits are now recognized and assigned.

  • Some 3.0 skills/dots are now supported (not all, don't have enough data; need someone from US servers to help me with this)

  • Blood/Darkness additional hit from sin now working better/fixed, but only for 3.0 client.

  • FFA arena contestants are now parsed normally as players.

Skills Window:

  • Lots of changes to this window, like % dmg per skill, filtering and search per skill or any term, right-click menu to copy selection on each side, double-click to copy current line. Left-click a skill on the left pane to show all the hits by that skill.

  • Godstoneshits are now displayed as "Godstone: Magical.."

  • Silence/Paralyze godstones are also included in the skills list with their proc time.

Player search:

  • Player profiles search is fixed for US servers since the recent website changes. Disabled for Euro servers. For US ones, it will now launch the profile directly if the name is complete and found (found within the json parsed results), else it will return a search page. Disabled for Kahrun server (it doesn't have profiles yet afaik).

"PVP" mode:

  • There is now a setting "Register only pvp hits". When enabled, only hits deemed as "pvp" will be registered. The app icon will change to green as a visual hint that this is enabled. You can switch it via the settings menu or using ".pvp" in-game. You can also remove all pve hits from a current session via the menu or using ".rpve".

Raw log capture window:

  • Filter is now extremelly faster, possibly 100-1000x.

  • Some misc bug fixes.

  • Fixed a memory leak issue where the log was always requesting memory to pre-buffer the log even if the window wasn't in use.

  • Added several options to load older log data, from a file, from the current active session since the last clear, and selecting an amount of KB to load from the end of the log file.


  • The Aion screenshot feature has been improved. It used to display some borders around the image, and not capture it properly when in windowed mode and not maximized, or using windowed-full screen. Now it's captured perfectly 100% to its corresponding size. Note however, that using full-screen will still result in an empty black screenshot.

  • Some notes about the screenshot feature: I added it because using the in-game normal screenshotting results in the client freezing, sometimes for 4-5 seconds or more, due to poor coding.. imo, so having ARM take the screenshot instead you get no delay. You can take the SS either via the G15 applet, via the SS button in the main bar in ARM, via the Tools menu, or using the various in-game commands like .ss or .uss (automatically uploads for sharing). The screenshots taken with ARM are saved to a separate folder, which you can access from File/Open Screenshots folder.


Pending changes for 1.1:

  • Some UI changes, alternate minimalist mode

  • Cursecloud inverse shield damage

  • Ranger traps

  • Full 3.0 skills/dots

  • New AP share tool (you can link ap relics in group and do .shareap, it will say who has to loot what)