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2013-02-20 11:39:00

  • Added a new setting, in the menu "Settings/single-sm mode". This will automatically assign all pets to the spiritmaster, if there is only 1 present, and remove some dot limitations put in place for more accurate results. You can use this if there is only 1 sm in your instance etc to more accurately assign all dots and pets damage.

  • Added support for atk. speed reduction Godstone.

  • Other minor fixes

Don't ignore the warnings about log file being too large
2013-02-23 21:57:51
The warning was put in place for a reason.

2013-02-23 - 21.56.50 ~ capture
Update 1.7
2013-02-24 16:51:09

  • Additional checks and improvements to the latency fix tool. Now it checks for and fixes further settings than Leatrix and other similar tools

  • Expanded the size of selection boxes (class, mobs etc)

  • Fixed an issue with the class filter, where it wouldn't show the players if you picked a class before starting dps.

  • Added ".sort" to in-game commands (see below).

  • The "Sort" button in rolls window will now also copy to clipboard the list of rolls and players, ready to paste in-game.

  • Added Data/Extended Copy/Split by Lines.

Warning: having filtered class will extremely increase the processing time/CPU usage of ARM, do not use this permanently if you have an old single-core computer.

Edit: forgot to include in the changelog:
Added a "Hackers" tab in the players database tool. You can add a list of known/suspected players here so ARM will warn you when they are registered. Contact me if you want an updated list of past known hackers for Telemachus and a few for other servers.
User comments in US forums
2013-02-27 14:04:12
2013-02-27 - 13.58.11 ~ capture
Gameforge destroyed AionArmory for European players.
2013-03-02 08:57:25
If you didn't know, Gameforge decided to change most of the item names in the European client to all sort of weird and bizarre names of their own which don't make any sense, and ruin the use of armory for everyone.

Take for example this item/quest:
2013-03-02 - 08.41.52 ~ capture

Now you are wondering what this is about.. because you don't seem to have a quest with that name, as the changed names don't even match other related items in most of the cases, so you go to as usual to find relevant information about the item or quest, just to find nothing..

Turns out the original English name for the item was "Fiery Heart", and the quest name "Hearts of Fire". (I found out the name by in-depth check of the logs by item number etc).

2013-03-02 - 08.44.30 ~ capture


Or say you want to look up some drops from Tiamat's Stronghold (GF calls it Tiamat's Fortress), all the names have also been changed, for example, Tiamat Guard's Greatsword:

2013-03-02 - 08.47.06 ~ capture

is now called "Greatsword of the Tiamat Defence Troop" in the GF European client:

2013-03-02 - 08.48.02 ~ capture


Another one, the new abyss boss that pops on Sundays, Moltenus, drops items like:

2013-03-02 - 08.49.54 ~ capture

which in turn GF decided to rename them to "Fragment of Wrath Orb".. ??? seriously? I think they must have been high on weed when they decided these names.

2013-03-02 - 08.51.17 ~ capture


All the armors in TS are also changed, most quests, etc..

So all these changes only come to ruin the user experience even further since their "3.5" update, and also undermine the usability of ARM's item library, which contains the original US client database names.

2013-03-02 - 08.52.37 ~ capture


Gz Gameforge, you managed to beat yourselves once again in the rank of stupidity.


Final note, I will not be including a European client database for now to alleviate these issues, as I firmly object to all these retarded changes they've been doing which only break the game.

Corruption at Gameforge has no limits
2013-03-03 23:08:29
Update: the thread has been taken down as is Gameforge's dictatorship policy: silence and threat everyone who oppose their abuse.

Don't believe whatever you were told about the Sunakaya incident a while ago, that GM was fired bla bla, that's all bs, I know the GM and he is still working at GF. Gameforge staff are downright lying about it, the GM was working for the Aion team temporarily while they lacked staff and is now under another games department.

And here we have another event today:

Copy/pasting, before they remove the post in the forums:


Yet another GameForge Corruption Story.

i really dunno where to start...its just every time we think that we have seen the last of gameforge they just surprise us with their level of nonprofessional actions.i`ll start from the end...2days ago morning time farming ingg guards as a full grp...<Surfas>* transformed to kill guards..and ofc all ks all when it comes to guards...we took almost all guards of him...he was mad and he called us motherf**kers.

30minutes later one of us (the one who trolled him) got banned....Strange!!!!!!!!!!!ofc tickets are worthless cuz somehow game staff will answer anything that doesn't have Bold's name in ban does that remind me of something???oh yea...Getstabbed got banned for calling <Surfas> a gay during siege(at 9:15pm exactly) banned in 20minutes exactly((seriously)) so gameforge is taking sides and responding to him that fast???????okay!!.

Sooka stole off <surfas> a few dabra(gold key) and bam..his account is locked for (((security reasons))) cuz gameforge staff thinks that someone is hacking it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!wow.

Lisara ks <Surfas> in guards and gets a ban for no reason no answer from staff nothing.(weren't they fast 2 paragraphs ago????).And here it comes..the best Story....<Surfas> ninja a tatar mace from a chanter...and the community is punishing him on LFG /3....and WUUUT??? <<<GM Amritus>>> is online ORDERING ppl to STOP and kicking ppl offline defending him OOOMMMGGG!!!.he kicked getstabbed+Xeon to defend <Surfas>.

GAMEForge is Corrupt...and GMs playing the game give advantages/take advantages & sides/abuse their Authority...its a fact.


Now check it out Amrit AGAIN Defending himself deleting the post soooo fast.

2013-03-06 12:35:31

  • Added new command ".sortclear" to clear roll window.

  • Added alpha blending (transparency) to chat windows separated from the main one, there is a new slider at the bottom.

  • Fixed "on top" for chat windows.

  • Reseted the option to show URLs in the tray, now it's disabled by default (annoying with gold spammers).

  • Added a counter for socketing and enchants:

2013-03-06 - 09.09.29 ~ capture

You can also process older logs for this, clicking Yes when it asks if you want to process also the chat.
Gameforge mismanagement and abuse extends to all their games
2013-03-07 13:12:09
From a friend earlier, playing Tera EU:
[12:11:33] x: check when i sent the ticket, and im still waiting
[12:12:43] x: and our server keeps crashing during siege, but the worst thing is that a very important istance spawn only if the players kill some bosses, but you have only 1 hour do to it, if u cant do in time, no istance
[12:12:53] x: server crashes, we cant kill bosses, no istance
[12:13:05] x: people asking on forum, why the heck is this happening, do something
[12:13:05] x: and they ban
[12:13:09] x: and delete their account
[12:13:13] x: permaban
[12:13:20] x: 5 friends already banned just for asking

[12:17:35] x: i know many people complained about not receiving the items
[12:17:38] x: but srsly
[12:17:40] x: im still waiting
[12:18:02] x: tera club lasts 30 days, i have 18 days left
[12:18:05] x: still no items!
[12:18:33] x: also they said - its useless to contact support about that cuz "sooner or later" the items will be delivered
[12:18:47] x: but no answer at all?
[12:18:49] x: and omg
[12:18:54] x: ok some hours/days delay
[12:19:02] x: but 12 DAYS LATER!!! im still waiting!

2013-03-07 - 13.06.46 ~ capture

Let this be a lesson to everyone, don't spend any money on shop items or club for any of their games, if you ever want a new publisher.
Threats from Gameforge support staff
2013-03-11 02:48:48
A friend got me this earlier, he sent a report about a hacker, just to be threatened cause they are incapable of doing their job properly.

2013-03-11 - 02.42.23 ~ capture

^ What does that tell us?

  • They think there is a possible violation reflected in combat logs

  • But they either can't check the server data or don't want to

  • They will take videos which can be easily faked and edited before actual server data

  • They are unaware most noanimation hacks can't be observed in videos

So my friend replied asking why they can't just check the server logs with the timestamps provided and match the data, since it's not feasible to have fraps recording 24/7, only to be threatened by the staff as they know they are in the wrong:

2013-03-11 - 02.47.36 ~ capture

^ translation: "we are clueless, dumb, lazy, and incapable of doing anything about hackers, and we'll ban your account so we don't have to admit it".
Claim your money back
2013-03-16 19:45:48
[18:47:45] x: you know they still didnt reply to my ticket on tera?
[18:47:48] x: hope they all die

If this happened to you, paid for club etc and didn't receive the items or any support, I strongly encourage you to take the money back. If you paid with VISA go to your bank and take the payment back, you can usually do that for 30 days after any transaction, or if you used paypal, start a claim and request the money back for not receiving the service.

2013-03-16 - 20.32.09 ~ capture
Some useful stuff
2013-03-18 08:38:10
Added a page "Misc Stuff" with some useful notes about things people often ask me:

  • Can’t get chatlog enabled

  • 3.5 Game.DLL error

  • How to install Japanese voices

  • How to install US Client “Data Pack”
Small update
2013-03-19 07:47:14

  • Minor fixes.

  • Added support for TS' Raksha (?) transform skill damage for US client.

This was initially done for the Euro client, thinking the skill name was the same in both clients, but it turns out GF in their crusade to kill the English playerbase changed also this.

Stupid GF name = Absorption of the Flame Spirit
Original US name = Flame Spirit Absorption
2013-03-20 14:05:44

  • Fixed the missing scroll bar in the Players DB/Hackers List window

  • Partially reintroduced hacker detection and telemachus list of previously banned and long time known hackers, most of which were given a 2nd (more like 200th) chance by corrupt European publisher Gameforge

Note that you can report Euro hackers directly from ARM, right-click on them and select "Send Hacker Report".
Bribes, corruption, and Gameforge
2013-03-21 07:54:18
If you play in the European server Telemachus you'll probably acknowledge this legion; if you don't, read on, this still concerns you if you play in Europe.

There is a legion in the asmo side of Telemachus, known by everyone to be cheating for ages from way back in NC, they use their own hacking apps to do all sort of stuff, like solo instances to get ench stones (they fly above the boss and kill it without even being hit, in any instance), glidehacks, noanimation etc etc; they are apparently mostly arabs from Dubai or somewhere in the UAE.

So, around summer last year there was a massive wave of unbans at Gameforge, every hacker they banned to date with tons of evidence was suddenly unbanned. At the time, 1 GF employee told me this was part of a new "2nd chance" rule, where all the offenders would be given another chance to redeam their evil doings and play fair after the 1st ban; yeah, a bunch of bs $$$.

So moving on to the present day, there's the case of another well known hacker who has been banned twice (or more?) for clear noanimation hacks, both times "permanently", yet he's still roaming free again. Then I came by this conversation of a certain player with 1 member of that certain legion, who apparently seems to claim Gameforge unbanned everyone on their request or demand.

So what do you make of this? GF staff getting bribes? or maybe they explicitly give in to the cheaters so they won't lose massive amount of income? I think the situation is very clear, has been for a long time, and this just makes it even more so. We knew all along.

2013-03-21 - 07.43.09 ~ capture

2013-03-21 - 07.43.17 ~ capture

2013-03-21 - 07.43.39 ~ capture

2013-03-21 - 07.49.27 ~ capture
either way, was also being whispered by EoD saying *** wasnt unbanned because of the video proof but because they took care of it, as well as another EoD just telling me "not everyone in here cheats" and "I dont care if they cheat

Ended up in explanation how only some of them hack, then how they are invincible even if they all hacked because they are all really rich irl and buy hundreds of goldpacks at a time and sell them for kinah ingame

2013-03-21 - 07.53.56 ~ capture

"We introduce Gold Pack so we don't have to go P2W"
2013-03-21 13:05:53
.. said Gameforge a year ago when they took over, yet here we are, downright selling AP in the shop. So we are both paying sub like a P2P mmo, get F2P sub-par support, and still they make everything pay 2 win for whoever has the cash. They lied from the start, but we all knew that :)

2013-03-21 - 13.05.27 ~ capture
small update
2013-03-22 20:47:01
Added support for European "Gold Package" when using US data.pak with European client (warning about GP expiring soon).
2013-03-25 17:55:28

  • Some small bugfixes

  • Removed some boss names used by players, as they were being ignored by the parser. So now you will see them in the meter as if they were players, but you can block them anytime by right-clicking on the playerbox/"Ban Player (permanent)" and they won't up again (the players either). You can unblock them in the main menu settings/"Edit banned players".

How Gameforge destroyed servers economy
2013-03-28 01:27:50
Here's a clear example of the results of Gameforge's mismanagement of the European servers, through awful business practices, bad item shop decisions, corruption, insane prices, lower drop rates than NC, lower socketing rates, tolerance for hackers/botters/RMT, etc, all so they can profit more from players' stupidity and abuse them as long they can.

US servers where players can actually enjoy the game:

50781 clipboard



Euro servers:

Gameforge is deceiving us all
2013-03-28 07:37:44
Have you ever got a ban in GF forums for saying we have lower drop rates than NC US? Yes? and the lovely mod said something like "you got warned for spreading lies about gameforge".
It's all too common since a year ago when people noticed ESO runs were giving approx. 30% of what we used to get before the move to GF. Today I was talking to a friend who plays in the US with NC, and it went like this: (screenshot is from a Euro server)


[05:01:05] x: wow...I had a blue the other day and easily got 42k out of it alone...
[05:11:16] x: wow....
[05:11:20] x: I had a gold once
[05:11:22] x: 126k
[05:11:24] x: :/
[05:11:28] x: gameforge /sigh
[05:11:50] x: jesus XD
[05:11:55] x: on a bad day i had 76k
European model prevents p2w (not)
2013-04-11 16:57:03
Did you know in Europe we pay a subscription model (gold pack) for $13/month? they call it "free to play" however.

This is the reasoning behind the free-to-play-but-still-pay-sub model, according to our publisher:

2013-04-11 - 16.43.48 ~ capture ~ $activewindow


And this is the reality:

2013-04-11 - 16.59.50 ~ capture ~ $activewindow


insta-spam when u enter sanctum/pande
2013.04.08 19:03:26 : [charname:Jntdykj;0.9490 0.3961 0.1333] Shouts: <WWW.*.COM> === <WWW.*.COM> === <WWW.*.COM> === <WWW.*.COM> === <WWW.*.COM> === <WWW.*.COM> === <WWW.*.COM> === <WWW.*.COM> === <WWW.*.COM> === 100M = 8 EUR 100M = 8 EUR
2013.04.08 19:03:29 : [charname:Sfdgfdr;0.9490 0.3961 0.1333] Shouts: WWW.*.COM === WWW.*.COM === WWW.*.COM === WWW.*.COM === WWW.Aionbank.COM === WWW.*.COM === WWW.*.COM === WWW.*.COM === WWW.*.COM === 50M+10%=4.8EUR 11
2013.04.08 19:03:34 : [charname:Jntdykj;0.9490 0.3961 0.1333] Shouts: <WWW.*.COM> === <WWW.*.COM> === <WWW.*.COM> === <WWW.*.COM> === <WWW.*.COM> === <WWW.*.COM> === <WWW.*.COM> === <WWW.*.COM> === <WWW.*.COM> === 100M = 8 EUR 100M = 8 EUR
2013.04.08 19:03:35 : [charname:Sfdgfdr;0.9490 0.3961 0.1333] Shouts: WWW.*.COM === WWW.*.COM === WWW.*.COM === WWW.*.COM === WWW.*.COM === WWW.*.COM === WWW.*.COM === WWW.*.COM === WWW.*.COM === 50M+10%=4.8EUR 11

also related:


Wanna make a guess why they all hack in this legion and never got ban? :D
Europe gets patch 3.0.2 tomorrow.
2013-04-16 16:41:42
Rejoice European players, we are finally getting 3.0.2 tomorrow!

You heard it's 3.9? Wrong:

  • 3.1 was supposed to bring FTS and higher drop rates: didn't happen

  • 3.5 still didn't have FTS or higher rates, and arena times were even decreased

  • 3.7/3.9: still no FTS. (we get FTS with normal exp. when it should be double as in US and every other zone, so it's unusable). Missing higher drop rates in TF/TS (US have already 300% general higher rates than EU). Higher instance CDs. and a lot more differences..

Here are the EU official (amateur) notes, from the official staff:

The notes are extremely messy, misstranslated (probably google translate), some parts left in german, many things not even mentioned (3v3 arena?), korean client screenshots, some parts shamefully copied from the US notes (US instance names in these notes..), what a shame.

Is this where the staff wages go to? They even talk to the community as if we should be thankful they are barely doing their job..

Here are the proper US notes, at least they are understandable:


Forum threads:
2013-04-16 - 16.40.18 ~ capture ~ COMODO Internet Security Premium - Updater

2013-04-16 - 16.40.30 ~ capture ~ COMODO Internet Security Premium - Updater

2013-04-18 01:05:40
Updated ARM to correctly start the new Aion client for the European patch 3.0.2 launched today.
European FTS is a success (not)
2013-04-18 12:31:25
So FTS finally arrived to Europe, with no exp bonus. Bots will rejoice now, total freedom to farm.
12:27:48: You->x: i wanted to level my sm with fts
12:27:57: You->x: but we have it nerfed, no double exp like US
12:28:10: x: Yeah and it's lonely. :(
12:28:42: x: It's like being deaf and blind... another server even. :(
Gameforge "3.9" patch: worst move ever
2013-04-18 17:17:17
Gameforge redefined the word fail with yesterday's update. To everyone's shock, they screwed up even worse than anyone could ever imagine or expect.
You are a shame to all European gamers and videogame companies, you put this region to shame.


  • Live stream event was a bullshit facade full of lies and avoiding all questions. The project lead/manager didn't even know half the basic things about the game, "I'll have to ask that", "ehh I don't know", "I'm not sure.."

  • We still didn't get level 60 rifting

  • We still didn't get a normal FTS

  • We still can't socket armors

  • We still can't use blue manastones

  • Instance that should be 12h became 46h (for subscription users, 112h for others)

  • Tons of bugs and misstranslations, maps in game are even in Korean

  • Noone has an idea of "new" arena times, if they were even changed (we have 4 hours less than US)


amongst other crap they pulled

Congratulations GF, you beat everyone's expecations on how much you could fail with this.

Can you imagine what they'll pull with 4.0? :D
Gameforge: "we make money from bots and hackers so we don't ban them"
2013-04-22 12:54:24

2013-04-22 - 12.51.51 ~ capture


which means something like
5. On Private server they can ban bots and cheaters because they don't make money with the customers, but we make money so we cant ban the bots and cheaters.
Gameforge ~support
2013-04-22 20:14:43
2013-04-22 - 20.13.50 ~ capture
European drop rates
2013-04-23 04:32:01
Did a little test today:

I mentored an elyos char from 1 to 7 in Poeta, from the start up to the end of the zone, first in a US server, then in a Euro one (Gameforge), and looted only white and green items.

These are the results:

US: at this point I had bags full and had to skip loot for at least another 10 drops (w/g),

2013-04-23 - 04.20.18 ~ capture ~


Euro server:

2013-04-23 - 04.19.31 ~ capture ~



GF always denied having lower rates than what we had with NC and what they currently have in the US, going as far as -BANNING- users in the forums who even suggest otherwise, with reasons like "spreading lies about gameforge", and then threatening with closing your game account if you insist. But here you have it, downright facts. Gameforge behave like a dictatorship or mafia, silencing users and abusing their Euro presence to rake in on users' misery.

It's really sad to see our beloved game in the hands of these parasites, destroying the game in Europe bit by bit.
