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Gameforge mods unfairly banning accounts
2012-10-29 19:04:10
Apparently you can have someone's game account banned with Gameforge, simply make a forum account under a similar name to someone else's and pretend to be them. Shortly after you'll receive a forum account ban, both on your account and the person you impersonate, along with a threat to close also the victim's in-game account. Go try!

Feels as if GF are staffing 10 year old kids.
No FTS with European 3.5 either
2012-11-13 12:39:43
Seems we won't be getting FTS even in 3.5 with Gameforge (when it launches by 2014)
2012-11-14 15:34:35

  • Some fixes for today's Hackforge 3.1 update.

  • Added feature "triggers" under Tools menu. This will trigger a warning for any text you set.

  • Agrint tree tool will now reset and restart after the timer reaches 0.

  • Re-added the sys config edit tool.

Update on Gameforge corruption
2012-11-14 23:28:18
Here's a follow-up to the previous posts about how GMs in Gameforge are abusing their status and stealing user accounts:

Related posts:

If you just started playing on GF servers, I suggest you give US NC a try instead if your ping there isn't too high, the future for this game in Europe looks pretty bad.

More on Gameforge GM corruption in Telemachus UnderG legion
2012-11-15 20:49:30
GM corruption and abuse keeps going in European servers.

Following up on the theft of user accounts by GMs and banning people at will cause they lost in arenas, they go on to banning people who fight against their legion on world bosses:
[20:35:58] Ξούλης: We
[20:35:59] Ξούλης: were
[20:36:02] Ξούλης: at Sunayaka
[20:36:03] Ξούλης: right now
[20:36:07] Ξούλης: and
[20:36:10] Ξούλης: underG
[20:36:16] Ξούλης: outdpsed us we got there at 80%
[20:36:21] Ξούλης: and
[20:36:24] Ξούλης: Warzone
[20:36:25] Ξούλης: said
[20:36:26] Ξούλης: to me
[20:36:29] Ξούλης: ai gamisou gamogido
[20:36:37] Ξούλης: which means fuck you fucking animal coat etc
[20:36:43] Ξούλης: and I said
[20:36:54] Ξούλης: ai psofa zwifio
[20:36:58] Ξούλης: which means go fucking die animal
[20:37:01] Ξούλης: 1 MINUTE
[20:37:01] Ξούλης: LATER
[20:37:06] Ξούλης: I AM SUSPENDED
[20:37:08] Ξούλης: CAN YOU BELIEVE IT?
[20:37:14] Ξούλης: 1 MINUTE
[20:37:15] Ξούλης: LATER
[20:37:18] Ξούλης: I GOT SUSPENDED
[20:37:21] Ξούλης: THEY GOT A GM

Hello x,

Account x has been suspended for 3 days for attempting to steal the world boss from other alliances. The ban will end on Nov 18, 2012 8:27:21 PM.


Hello x,

Your account is banned for 3 days.
Reason: T&Cs, 12.4. b substantially affect the game experience of other players. Instead of playing together, you tried to steal Boss Sunkaya from other alliances.

Please remeber this is your first sanction. If you keep doing this, it will add up.

If you have any questions, Please do not hesitate to contact us again.
Status update on localization and client support:
2012-11-20 22:08:28
I keep receiving emails asking to support other clients than English and to translate the program itself. This is the current status:

App translation: will never happen.


  • French/German: will never happen. Users of those useless clients can use English just fine.

  • Russian: unlikely. You can use US NC datapack to make ARM work with russian client.

  • Chinese: never.

  • Japanese: unlikely, not sure how alive the game is there, and it's hard to find jp people with even basic English to help.

  • Korean: 100% willing to support Korean client. If you are korean and can speak fluent English and provide me with the means to connect to Korean servers and help me thoroughly with the translation, please contact me.

Gameforge stops giving support for paid services
2012-11-23 16:26:08
All that's wrong with Gameforge
2012-11-29 12:30:22

  • Clueless staff. Most of their staff have no clue about Aion, they even admit to it in the forums.

  • Lower drops than we had with NC, around ~30%. Even now with 3.1 the rates are different.

  • Gold pack. NC doesn't have this bs.

  • Extremely long maintenance times. NC used to take 2-3 hours at most. Average time with GF 5-6 hours. Last one took them 15 hours.

  • Maintenance times. With NC there was a good reason, their staff was in the US, so they performed the maintenance at the same time in the US and Europe, so while US had their servers down at the lowest population times during the night, we had it at morning. With GF this should have changed as the staff is now in Europe, but they still do in the morning..

  • Lag. When GF took over most people had a 40-50ms ping increase.

  • No live profiles. They promised to give it before the takeover, but it never happened, never will. All the My Aion features we had with NC are gone.

  • No Vet Rewards. We only got the old ones owned to us from our NC account, after 6 months of complaints. They promised to give additional rewards of their own after that for every gold pack used, but it never happened either.

  • Slow updates. GF is the only publisher still stuck in 3.1, and they were in 3.0 only 2 weeks ago! while every other region (US, Korea, China, Russia, Japan, Taiwan) have already been in 3.5 for a long time. 3.0 came 6 months after US had it.

  • Incomplete updates. Every other region got FTS (Fast-Track-Server) with the 3.1 update, we didn't. They won't even do it for the 3.5 update next year (estimated near Summer 2013, when all others will be with 4.0).

  • We didn't even get patch notes for 3.1 yet.

  • No security at all. No SSL in their website for login etc. No master account like we had with NC, if your game or -forum- account is stolen, they got your game stuff as well.

  • Very poor server security. Lots and lots of players are getting their accounts hacked with no apparent signs of misuse by the user.

  • Account PIN is useless with GF, if someone gets hold of your account, they can change your password, email, and PIN without any authorization from your part.

  • No events. They either never do events or just copy/paste old NC ones, which most of the time don't work properly.

  • Last event they tried ended up with half the players moving tanks to PVP areas like the eye to abuse other players.

  • Halloween event was again a copy of NC's, very late and only after complaints from players.

  • Sometimes they even stopped events at a completely different time than usual without any notice to the users, and refused to put the NPCs back so players could get their rewards.

  • Exp/droprate events are only half the % of NC's.

  • Still keeping "safe" areas of Gelk/Inggi while every other publisher removed them.

  • Absolutely no support. The first months of takeover tickets took an average 45-60 days to get an -automated- reply. After that, they now take days if even replied, most times just an auto-reply and closed unless you complain.

  • No support at evenings, weekends, and festive days. What a joke. Make a ticket on Thursday, no reply until Monday.

  • Complete leniency towards hackers and cheaters. Back in spring they -unbanned- ALL the hackers who had been previously -perma- banned with clear proofs of cheating, under a "2nd chance" rule. No penalty whatsoever. If anyone gets banned for cheats nowadays, they are out of the game for 2-3 days and that's it. That's after weeks of sending proofs to GF with clear videos from dozens of players. Euro servers now have more players using hacks than otherwise.

  • Cash shop is a joke. They don't have all the useful items the players would actually like, as opposed to US NC.

  • Cash items are extremely expensive. 50 euro for a mount, 25-30 euro for some skins which can be used only once. 20-25 euro for pets (per character).

  • They even have the nerve to excuse the lack of FTS with not ruining "PVP" (ganking of lowbies), while they sell p2w items in the shop you can't even get through other means.

  • Extremely buggy forum. Login issues were explained and reported 9 months ago, still nothing fixed. They even ban users for complaining about not being able to use their forums. Most of the players can't even use them nowadays (cookie issue with guest overriding your login).

  • Lots of issues with purchased items not delivered after days, and then players get banned if they take the payment back over the items they didn't receive.

  • Forum staff playing like they were supreme dictators high on cocaine. They blatantly lie to everyone, and ban users if they contradict the lies and ask for discussion about all kind of matters.

  • Forum mods ban players without any reasons, or make them up and lock them out of being able to complain about it. They aren't even told why they are banned, as they receive a PM in the forum -after- they got banned, so they can't even read them. If you ask about the ban after your account is restored, they ban you again without further explanation. They also ban users for "foul language" (as they deem.. not really), while they use all kind of insults themselves and go unpunished.

  • No support. Forum mods ban your game support area so they don't have to comply with their obligations and explain their actions.

  • Emailing "higher ups" and even faxing their office gets absolutely no reply either.

  • That's right ^ they block your account from support tickets area, thus denying you of support over paid services. This is not even legal in the EU.

  • GMs abusing their power in-game. Players are getting banned inside arenas seconds after gliding a fear: the GM you played against logs their GM account and bans you for using a well known and working as intended game mechanics. They will also ban you if you engage a boss they are on at the same time for a dps race. People recently got banned during a Sunakaya kill, with the GM insulting the other alliance leader, and right after boss died, the player was insta banned. Support told the player he shouldn't hit a boss other people were hitting oO most likely the same GM who banned him. This was a big scandal recently in their forums, with the support lead promising to investigate it, but eventually nothing was done and the threads were all locked and users complaining banned.

  • Game launcher completely unfriendly, with no option to stop it from overwriting custom voice packs unless you skip the launcher completely through other means.

  • Extremely low populated servers. Most of them have maybe 1000 players on both sides together; that's including a LOT of lowbie players just new to the game and a HUGE amount of bots, goldsellers and spammers. GF refuses to merge the servers.

  • Players getting banned for using ping reducers, with half the staff contradicting each other about whether it's allowed.

  • Hacked accounts don't even get their items back, Gameforge will barely restore anything, as oposed to NCsoft, with all kind of lame excuses for not doing so.

That's just the tip of the iceberg. Gameforge ruined and killed our beloved game in Europe. If you are tired of all the bs, stop buying gold packs and any items from their shop, don't buy them in-game either, maybe eventually they give up and we'll get a decent publisher.

Most of the veteran players have already quit because of GF, and a LOT of people who've had issues with them, getting banned for no reason and trolled by their staff; players who had been part of this game for 3 years and -never- had a single issue when our region was managed by NCSoft.

Hello x,

Account x has been suspended for 3 days for attempting to steal the world boss from other alliances. The ban will end on Nov 18, 2012 8:27:21 PM.


So here is the thing: A LOT of Aion players are very disappointed in how GameForge runs the game back here in Europe. It is so bad that we are willing to start over on NA server.

I play now Aion NA because Gameforge sucks.

After attempting to endure GameForge's management of Aion, I've finally decided that enough is enough.
Its a mess there guys... a mess.. AION is full of bugs.. 0 services. 0 events. 0 support. 0 listening to ppls. 0 of everything!!! Only gold spammers.Bugs. Hackers, Cheaters .. :/// GF messed up everything.. QQ I never tought i was missing ncsoft that much... :/
Just got from EU servers here,Gamforge destroyed Aion EU
Hi guys,just come from EU servers here,i cant stand anymore there,Gameforge destroyed Aion.
Hello from EU-Germany ! :) Hey i'm another former aion EU player. I think everybody know, that Gameforge destroy aion EU
I've recently left my gameforge days behind me (for many reasons, but I cant pretty much sum them up for all of you by saying: Gameforge sucks, badly.)
I am tired of Gameforge, and willing to even play with 200-300 ms to escape that, I like Aion. Take AION EU Back :(
GameForge is FAILING "REAL" BAD running AION.
Ok alot of EU players moved to NA because they Hated GF

I know there is Gameforge, but i do know also that Gameforge is ruining the game

Please change the contract with Gameforge. Take back all old NC accounts from Gameforge

Gameforge now even threatens people to ban them from Aion if they post the truth about Gameforge failing on Aion.

After witnessing fail after fail not only of GMs but Failforge as company who is horrible publisher. I want to get refund

I think that few GMs are actually invovled in protecting hackers, and in possible real world gold trading sites
I'm sick and tired of the abuse we're all being subject to.
I've re-read the 54th time the forum rules and I haven't broken any, yet I keep receiving forum warnings from certain mods which would appear they own the place.

etc etc etc etc etc.

ARM gets featured in latest Aion Magazine issue
2012-12-01 00:51:29
Issue 36 just released with a small interview about me and ARM, albeit a little shortened and censored :)

You can grab it at

The BS continues
2012-12-03 23:58:10
So nothing has changed. After all the fuss everywhere with the Gameforge GM scandal recently, their staff keeps ignoring the abuse and crimes (breaking Euro commerce laws), and silencing users with every single retarded and nonsense excuse they can. This is the usual procedure:

  • Player exposes something in the forum the mods don't like, or are obliged to tell

  • Mods ban the player from the forums

  • Player complains in a support ticket

  • After a week, nothing has been done, no reply to the tickets, no ban taken back

  • Player uses the "complain" feature of the ticket to have it reviewed by someone "above"

  • Player gets forum ban extended or permanent with any vague fake excuse, and their support area closed without further explanation, as well as threats of closing also their game account without any means to complain.

  • Most often the mods themselves provoke the users with insults, just to make them talk back and have an excuse to ban them again, by breaking the rules the mod just broke themselves.

The messages from the staff are unbelievable, you'd think they are either joking or not very bright in their head.. but that's what we got.

GF chiefs are aware of nearly all the negatives that have been voiced against them and have ordered the mods not to be so tolerant.

The mods are not entirely to blame except Seven as we all know is by far the most active with bans. All bans do is make players more angry.
I've told him just about everything that has been said here and that he wasn't over popular but he said he knows about player frustration and he is only doing what he has been told.

you are agitating against Gameforge and the staff

Opening threads against moderation and for ban appeals is also not accepted

"torlling", "troll baiting", they sure sound like professional staff huh? What a freaking joke. If you wanna do your contribution to changing things for European Aion, I urge you to never buy anything from their shop again, as well as any items in-game coming from the shop (like Gold Packs sold by other users).

AP relics issue with US client
2012-12-10 01:25:50
I've been made aware about ARM no longer counting your AP relics when you loot them, due to a change in the log format since either 3.5 or 3.7, possibly also with other clients up to date like Russian or Japanese. I will post a fix for this tomorrow.
Some fixes
2012-12-10 08:31:00

  • Fixed loot issues with relics and other items not being detected after 3.5/3.7 client update.

  • Fixed some issues with ARM shutting down on start-up.

More failure from already beyond fail company, no DF in 3.5
2013-01-08 01:09:52
It wasn't enough that we won't be getting the FTS even in the -upcoming- 3.5, it seems we won't even get the Dungeon Finder feature for cross-server instances in Europe.

And it doesn't stop there. They keep lying about the reasons, just like they do about the FTS, they tried to justify it with some nonsense excuses about "imbalance" and a random bunch of reasons which don't make any sense to anyone, when the reason was clear and later confirmed by some of the staff: they are incapable of setting it up on the technical side:

2013-01-08 - 01.12.57 ~ capture

2013-01-08 - 01.19.18 ~ capture
small update
2013-01-08 10:59:21

  • Added support to parse stun godstone procs.

  • Speed improvements.

More user accounts hacked in Europe, GF's at fault again
2013-01-10 17:13:51



Another account has been hacked under similar circumstances as what happened a while ago, where GF own staff are suspected of stealing player accounts. Almost 3 days gone by, the user has not received a single reply from support.

1.55 , Euro 3.2 client support
2013-01-16 20:32:31
Small update with added support for today's European update with client 3.2
Gameforge cuts 4h off 3.2 update arena times
2013-01-20 15:24:05
Missing content in their "3.5" update:

  • no FTS

  • no cross-server instancing

  • no high level rifting

  • no customer support/GMs even for paying customers

  • 4 hours of arena time:

US: 10-14, 16-20, 22-02
EU: 12-14, 18-20, 22-02 (even weekends)

That's a big slap in the face for people with jobs and more limited time for the arenas.

Retarded decisions as usual by the biggest failure in the history of Aion publishers.
Update this week
2013-01-23 01:37:29
There will be an update this week with these fixes:

  • ARM shutting down

  • Error with Euro servers when relogging a character """ is not a valid.. "

  • Templar recognized as sin (gameforge fault with wrong skill names)

  • Damage from TF instance at boss where you are transformed will be removed

  • Additional fixes for boss and mob skill names for the 3.5 client

  • "Wow" bars style

Possibly also bringing back hacker detection module and warnings.
Update 1.6
2013-01-26 19:08:13

  • ARM shutting down

  • Error with Euro servers when relogging a character “”" is not a valid.. “

  • Templar recognized as sin (gameforge fault with wrong skill names)

  • Damage from TF instance at boss where you are transformed moved to Unknown

  • Additional fixes for boss and mob skill names for the 3.5 client

  • “Wow” bars style

  • Item library/item descriptions when you loot. Some items didn't translate from [item....] into their correct names, this is now fixed.

Note that the item library is using the correct US client names, the European version has modified a lot of item names with nonsense stuff (cloth gloves=gauntlets, chest=doublet.. srsly? -.-)

Update #2:

  • Fixed wow style display, no text if you unchecked the margin option

  • Fixed displaying PVP data in arenas with anon players "Contestant x"

Gameforge still harassing the players
2013-01-29 16:57:39
Nothing changes, Gameforge staff are still harassing and unjustly banning their customer on a daily basis.

A quick look on just the 1st page of the General forum.. a player posts a good-bye post: he gets banned (notice the lock on his avatar) because the staff don't tolerate any criticism about their non-existent support.

  • the game quality degrade day by day.

  • The GF attitude I dont like. The support is not the right one, closing tickets with poor explanation or nothing. Many of you had to post here and ask help for your thicket, and this is bad.

Part of his post was even removed by the corrupt mods who harrass the players everyday; every other user in the thread agreed on what he said.
when NC soft owned aion the game was a million times better

The mods again go on telling lies that the game "was more limited" with NC, when it's all the other way around. Of course, if you try to question this, you get banned.
what was the limitations in Aion EU when it was p2p under ncsoft? we had a sub each month just like you got the gold pack to buy each month, we did not get banned from forums we was respected as a player base we got full patches, we did not have the CDs you got, we could use the brokers, we could use NPC, we could gather what we wanted, we could craft what we wanted, we could talk in chat, we played a normal game just had 1 sub each month to pay,

and the gold pack has already been said it does not work for gold spammers or bots by far to many players to show you it does not work.
Gameforge lacked security, it got alot of players hacked, wich is their fault and cost them a bit of reputation once more.
Gameforge said not to go P2W, the Goldpack system would be their income, the game has gone P2W though...
Gameforge gives us only half the content of updates... Why? That's the point, they won't even give a valid reason, just some lame excuse.

I could go on a while, but Gameforge really ruined it for themselfs, they managed to lose alot of veteran players

2013-01-29 23:24:33

  • Improved a bit the issue with ARM giving clipboard errors "access denied"

  • Setting "auto copy AP" is now saved when closing ARM

  • Fixed the numbers formatting, it will display as 123,456 now overriding your regional settings. This was added a while back but never really worked.

  • New feature: send hacker reports straight from ARM.

This new feature only works for Gameforge at the moment, and it's not thoroughly tested but should work fine. You can right-click on a player's box and select "Send hacker report", then ARM will fill in the data for you and ready to send, so you don't have to go through their website and click a million places to send a ticket. You will need an account for the support area. I suggest you don't use your game account password for this, as their support site is even less secure than their other areas. ARM simulates the entire brower/cookie etc process to send the tickets.

Note also that Gameforge severely limits the amount of tickets you can send within a given amount of time, so it's possible you send a ticket and it's not really assigned anywhere. When this happens (either through ARM or their website), they give the same message "thank you for contacting blah blah" with no error or anything, but then the ticket does not exist when you check the history.

ARM report

(old screenshot, don't mind the double http link ^^)
Gameforge is faking support tickets reception
2013-01-31 05:23:19
Thought GF "support" couldn't get any worse?

Seems like Gameforge is now limiting users to 5 tickets for every few days, and if you send one more they give a receipt acknowledgement as usual, "thank you for contacting blah blah", but the ticket does not really get created, if you check tickets list it's not there, it's always a mystery whether a ticket you sent has been received and processed or not. Those that don't make it (but they say as if it did), are lost forever while the users think their tickets have been received.
Small update to 1.61
2013-02-02 22:27:35

  • Fixed recognition of Para godstone for European "3.5" client.

Gameforge broke things again by changing names of stuff to their own, and "Paralyze" is now logged as "Paralyse" in their client. Retards as usual.
Gameforge removes in-game support
2013-02-03 01:59:45
So GF didn't stop at faking support tickets area, now they removed in-game inquiries as well closing them all with an automated nonsense response:

gf no support
Set your client to English for ARM
2013-02-05 08:58:11
Some people have been emailing me asking how to set their client to English so they can use ARM. It's very simple, just click settings in the Launcher and set everything to English. Your client will maybe need to download some new files.

set aion client to English
User emails
2013-02-06 15:43:53

massive fan for your work.
beta tester and 3 year aion eu veteran that now returns to aion. to try the new stuffs =)

sadly Gameforge is worse than i ever could expect but i tested a ping reducer as you recommended and me and my gf are playing on us server's fresh 3.7 with steady 160ms xD
Love it!
Hackforge finally puts 100% socketing stones in the shop.. 10.7 times more expensive than NC (Update: 29 times higher)
2013-02-08 00:21:37
Gameforge is at it again. After they said many times in the forums they would never sell these since they are not "p2w", lying as 99% of the time they say anything, now they are in the shop.

The price? Buying 3 costs 600 coins, = 75 euros. I remember back when NC sold them for a week before f2p, they would cost around 7 euro for the same amount.

Just speechless, totally speechless. Nice way of milking money, and another step for p2w again.

Not sure if serious or Shop department just went nuts :0

1 more joke of the day from GF 20 euro for 1 sup and in us shop you can buy it for 6$ and you get x5 manastone bundle whit it for that price

That means GF price is 29 times higher.
GF are just preying on peoples frustrations.
Daily user comments in Gameforge forums
2013-02-11 23:57:38
2013-02-11 - 23.53.30 ~ capture


2013-02-12 - 02.24.09 ~ capture
small update
2013-02-12 07:54:14

  • Removed the file attachment and "Sent by ARM" tags in the support tickets send tool (EU only)

Note that Gameforge can't tell whether the ticket was sent by ARM or manually through their website, since ARM simulates the entire login/form post process you'd normally do with a browser.
Gameforge is purposely alienating English players
2013-02-14 14:01:02

This is getting beyond ridiculous. I can't imagine what must be going through their heads to come up with such amateur stuff.