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Update: chatlog in ramdisk
2017-11-18 19:36:37

  • Added link in the menu Help/5.6 gear calc

  • Added a feature "Move Chat.log to Ramdisk" under Tools/System Tools:

This will move Chat.log to another location (that you choose) and create a symlink so that you can have the log file somewhere else. The idea behind this is to have the log in a Ramdisk. The Aion client is very poorly coded when it comes to writing the combat log (well it's crap generally tbh), thus you notice lag/freezes in sieges or places that generate a lot of writes to that file. Usually a SSD should be enough to mitigate this issue, but it's still not enough somehow, so I thought maybe a Ramdisk will help; the main factor here, more than r/w speed, is the disk latency. I haven't tested it much so let me know if it makes any difference. In most cases you will have to re-create the symlink (through the ARM menu option) every time you start Aion since it seems to remove it somehow..

To make it work do it while you are at the char selection screen, if you do it before launching the game it might fail (also not while logged into a character). Edit: running a 2nd client also seems to mess up with the symlink.

Little comparison so you get an idea of the performance difference..

Normal HDD

Sata SSD (high-end m.2 drives are much faster up to ~3500 MB/s)

Ramdisk (DDR3)

As for the Ramdisk software there are many out there. Personally I use one I bought a few years ago called QSoft, but it doesn't seem to be available anymore. Make sure you choose a large enough size for the log, mine is 1 GB.

New NA data.pak is up
2017-11-26 13:11:28
New NA data.pak
2017-12-01 13:08:13
New PAK available with the latest items and fixed instance times

Japanese voice pack 5.8
2017-12-01 15:28:22
New JP voice pack is available in the downloads page with the voices updated up to the 5.8 client. This PAK differs from others around in that the youth and other female voices have been correctly assigned to the corresponding ones for NA/EU files (it's different in the JP client).
Now accepting BitCoin donations
2017-12-12 09:21:07
I added my BTC wallet address in the donations page if you wish to contribute with BTC instead of Paypal:

Update and new NA pak
2018-01-06 05:38:08

  • Moved Kroban's cannon dmg to player "Unknown" for EU client

  • Updated items database (.item or tools/items db)

  • Updated magic supp tables (.mss)

  • Fixed a graphical issue with the chat window

New NA data.pak available in the downloads page.
Update 2.8
2018-01-13 10:42:10

  • Fixed Summon Whirlwind skill for combat logs where damage numbers are like "1 234" with a space

  • Fixed an issue with ".item" command not giving focus to the popup window

  • Added a Bookmarks feature to the item library

  • Added a local log of uploaded sessions in Tools/My Session Uploads. You can launch these sessions in the browser by double-clicking on them

  • Added an option to save the session file after a successful upload to Aionpveranks

  • Added an in-game command ".upload" to bring up the session upload window

  • The selected charname in the upload window will be remembered until ARM is restarted

  • Changed the "Aion database" link under the Help menu to

  • Added an in-game command ".codex" to launch an item search at in the browser

  • Updated OpenSSL libraries

  • Some other bug fixes

Please use the forum to report any issues:
Session saving and logs:

Item bookmarks search:

App Update
2018-01-17 13:31:13

  • Added HotKey for session upload window (.upload)

  • Added HotKey for items library window (.item)

  • Added "custom hotkeys" to the full list of hotkeys and removed custom ones

  • Merged the stats for "mobs" and "kills" displayed on the status bar into "kills"

  • Added HP/GP points (only for EU until next update) to the status bar (click on it to switch between exp/kills/ap/kinah etc)

  • Removed the variable $mobs$ from UI styles design

  • Added the variable $hpgp$ to UI styles design to show your Honor/Glory Points

  • Added a UI mode for the main UI style to show your Honor/Glory Points

  • Fixed: EXP gain from Tower of Challenge is now processed (not sure what's the name in NA)

  • Sessions in "My Sessions" window now show the latest uploads on top

New NA data.pak
2018-01-17 22:16:37
New pak is up in the downloads page with the latest updates from NA 5.8 and EU 5.6 with today's patch.
2018-01-22 15:16:17

  • Fixed a random crash when closing ARM

  • Added support for Glory Points (NA)

  • Added a "solo mode" for the G15/G510 applet (Logitech keyboards LCD)

5.8 NA data.pak is up
2018-02-07 22:40:45
2018-02-10 00:30:34
Fixed clipboard in-game commands for the 5.8 client.
NA data pak and App update
2018-02-28 15:20:06

  • Updated NA Data.pak with latest updates.

  • Updated ARM with latest items DB and magic suppression data.

2018-03-11 22:00:00
Added Korean server region (only works with English patch: )
2018-03-14 20:11:09
Fixed screenshots feature for 5.8 and 6.0 clients
NA pak update
2018-03-22 16:22:34
Updated NA data.pak to include the Gray Wolf accessories NPC.
Korean servers status
2018-03-23 15:23:21
Added KR servers to the status page
NA data.pak updated
2018-04-04 13:16:01
NA data.pak updated (v2)
2018-04-04 22:33:05
Fixed Shugo Vending Machine items

Lost my char name in the merge
2019-03-28 13:28:46
Please be aware that "Nozomi" is no longer my char (made in head-start in the 2009 launch), it seems someone from the new server Nergal got it. If you need to contact me in-game msg me on Hikari instead.
Some news
2019-05-04 00:43:53
The next major update for ARM (2.9) is almost here, to be released within the next few days, with support for the EU/NA 6.5 client, session uploads and a few extras. For 3.0 soon after I will add network mode support (parse dmg and heal data from network packets) and support for the Korean client.

I'm also releasing a little tool to extract PAK files:

ARM 2.9 update for Aion 6.5
2019-05-07 21:09:05
Major update with many fixes for the Aion 6.x client for NA/EU (there might be more issues left for NA)

  • 6.5 client support

  • AionDPS session uploads: after pveranks site closed, a new website is born: - you can now upload your game sessions here

  • Added new tool: "Magic Suppresion Tool" in the Tools menu (probably useless now)

  • Added skill icons in the Skills window and re-arranged the columns

  • Notification windows redesigned

  • Parsing speed improvements

  • New session extension: ".ArmV2". This is now the new default extension for session files (you can still open the old ones)

  • Updated the Help menu, removing dead links and adding new ones

  • Some new options in the Settings:
    * "Set system.cgf read-only"
    * "Delete chat.log on start-up"
    * "Move" feature, explained below:

With this feature you can move the chat.log file to another location, like from your SSD to a HDD to save the lifespan of your SSD, or much better: move it to a RAMDISK. If you move the log to a ramdisk, the file will never be written to your disks, only to your RAM memory, and it's also several times faster than even the best SSDs. Previously ARM had this feature but it wasn't working very well (Aion client was reverting the change), now it has been improved and should work properly. Consider this a Beta release, so please inform me of any issues. (Set the RAMDisk to at least 500MB -1GB)

ExitLag featured in ARM, a word from the CMO:
ExitLag is a service developed from players to players. With ExitLag you can get rid of connection problems. Our innovative multipath system allows the user to get the best performance in sending and receiving packages that results in lower ping and excellent connection stability. ExitLag solves ISP, Route, Jitter, Packet Loss and ethernet problems. The software was designed especially for gamers, thinking of all the requirements, so the interface is intuitive and easy to use. The ExitLag system has several differentials that other competitors do not have:

- Multiple route system (Multipath)
- Support for over 120 games
- Multi internet system (it is possible to count two different internet networks)
- Automatic route optimisation system
- The most efficient optimisation algorithm on the market.
- Servers on whole world
- FPS boost ( A free tool that helps with FPS )

When playing AION you will feel the game smooth, consequently the actions will be fast obtaining better DPS and the response time of the game will help in the overall performance. You can also play on your location or other one with ExitLag, enjoy the performance to its best.

join our Discord server!

Discord: there is now a Discord server for ARM and where you can ask questions and get support:

What's next? for ARM 3.0 I will add network mode, so the data will be gathered from the network instead, thus no longer needing the chat.log. I will then also add healing meter and support for the Korean client and any EU language packs available.


How do NA and EU regions manage server merges?
2019-05-10 10:08:22

They added a new server recently, which is now getting merged into an old one, I guess due to low population. Players from the old server are safe, if there is a character name collision, only the characters from the new server are affected:
we will be consolidating the Ereshkigal server into the already existing Katalam server on May 22. Players on Katalam (and Danaria) will not be impacted by this consolidation, however, players coming from Ereshkigal will need to be aware of a number of very important things that could affect your character


They added a new server recently, which got merged into an old one, I guess due to low population. Players from the old server got screwed if they were not so active lately, with charnames from the new (few months old) server taking precedence over the server they merged into. Result: people have lost their charnames which they had for over 10 years since even before Gameforge took over the EU region, for characters which could be even just a few days old.
2.9 update
2019-05-11 17:48:11

  • Added an option to session uploads to include debug information. Use this if you see any error in the session data so we can better analyze what went wrong.
  • Fixed some graphical issues on start-up
  • Fixed a crash when auto-clearing the Chat.log
  • Fixed items names recognition for 6.x clients
  • Fixed wrong class recognition when using WoW/SoD
  • Double-clicking on ARM session files while ARM is running no longer displays an admin prompt
  • Added a feature "Restore/Remove Symlink" to move the Chat.log back to the AION folder
  • Improved the "MOVE" feature for Chat.log location
  • Added a link to a few freeware Ramdisk applications
  • Added a setting (default: on) to automatically clear ARM when Beritra or Prigga (Frigida for NA) transform, plus an auto-backup option
  • Fixed some issues when uploading sessions
  • Fixed some missing skill icons
  • Fixed ARM freeze/slow when closing the settings window
  • Fixed crashes when switching UI styles
  • Some speed improvements
  • Added a shortcut button to switch transparent UI
  • Fixed "Hide Interface" button

2019-05-14 22:19:52

  • New OpenSSL libraries
  • Faster ping test when uploading sessions
  • Added ping test for NA uploads and server test
  • Moved "Visual Styles" to the Settings window
  • Added new visual styles
  • Added visual indicators for App updates and Session uploads
  • Fixed Prigga auto-clear for EU (still bugged for NA)
  • Fixed hits over 500K dmg not being recognized
  • Added taskbar buttons to Start/Close Aion, Upload Session, Switch UI
  • Smoother switch to transparent UI
  • Added a separate transparency setting for transparent UI
  • Fixed looted items recognition
  • Speed ups
  • When you receive a whisper in-game, the ARM taskbar Icon will change just like the tray one, until you whisper back or hover the mouse over the tray (only works if your taskbar isn't set to display small buttons)

New tool: Aion PAK extractor (64-bit version only)
2019-05-19 15:10:58

PAK Extractor update
2019-05-26 15:13:46

  • Added batch extraction to process multiple .pak files recursively

  • Some fixes and speedups

[download id="2319"]
PAK Extractor update 2
2019-05-30 23:57:41

  • Fixed memory leaks

  • Fixed unicode issues

  • Fixed crashes

  • Speed ups

  • Released as 32-bit exe

  • Other fixes/improvements

[download id="2319"]
Aion PAK Extractor update 0.24
2019-07-26 21:24:31
- Fixed bugs (some corrupt XMLs)

[download id="2319"]
Progress update
2019-08-07 22:32:05
New beta is almost ready with 7.0 support, as well as support for Russian client (Innova 4game) and German/French EU clients.