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New website and alpha version 0.3
2011-08-31 05:30:45
I have got rid of the page at curseforge and decided to get a free tk domain to host this small site.

Alpha 0.3 details:

Most damage is now being recognized, including delayed damage/magma for sorc, summon whirlwind tornados, and your own godstone dd damage (except dots). Other gs damage will be split in a separate counter. All sm dots that KDM didn't handle correctly are now recognized. Pets and cleric servants are still pending. DPS metering will be added when all the damage is handled in the first beta version soon. Next build will be the first initial beta with a proper UI. The logfile path is also now being saved (config will be saved to your Appdata/Aion RainMeter folder).
ARM 0.4 Alpha
2011-09-05 06:01:17
Another build with some progress:

- Added a button to check for new versions
- Fixed all cleric dots
- Added cleric servants
- Added sm pets (not 100% complete)
- Fixed scrollbars on the URL links box
- Added a feature to process older log files (can take a while)
- Window position will now be remembered
- Added a button to pause damage metering (chat will still be logged)
- Fixed skills list window delay when opening (used to take a while to fill the data)
- Added sorting of data in the skills window by clicking on the columns

Pending issues:
- Godstone damage from other players is still handled as a separate meter (no workaround for this)
- Dots and pets/servants damage can get mixed if there's more than 1 of the same class in group (affects cleric/sm/sorc)
- Tempest pet is still handled as a separate player
- Summon Whirlwind damage of your own is still handled as a separate player
- Godstones dot damage still unhandled
Beta 0.5
2011-09-10 10:27:22
Here's the first beta build:

- Average and current DPS now show up.
- Upon start-up, it will check if there's a new version available
- You can save your current session, it will generate a XML file with all the player data (dmg, dps etc)
- You can load previous session files, as well as process an older log file and process the damage data etc (not dps)

UI design is still ongoing (yeah I know it's horrible atm ^^)

Beta 0,6
2011-09-22 08:40:35
Beta 0,6 is here with a lot of changes:

- Window is now resizable
- Worked a little bit on the UI, adding some menus and simplifying the basic look.
- More readable chat boxes
- DPS metering has been extensively altered. The parser now takes into account the player class to determine more realistic data. Taken into account now are factors like the delays while switching to next mobs, recognizing current mob has died, more accurate expected delays between skills depending on the class, amongst other changes to reflect a more realistic dps for every class.
- Few speed optimizations
- Session files are now stored under appdata/Aion Rainmeter/Sessions by default.
- Session files are now encrypted and compressed when saved.
- Added basic AP tracking functionality: a number will display beside each player, indicating the amount of AP in relics they have looted. You can get a list of players/AP by either using the app menu, or typing "apcheck" (and enter) in game; after 1 second at most, you will have the data in the clipboard ready to paste ("Me 2400, xx 1200" etc.. )
- You can also see the relics looted in the player's skill window (temporarily there until I expand this feature into a separate dedicated area)
- Added an option to run a new instance.
- Chat/Whispers etc will be automatically saved. When you run the program again, it will remember the text from last time you closed it.
- Chat text is now trimmed to the last 1000 lines (older chat is not saved either). You can disable this.
- Added some features in the menu: freeze chat, clear all chat, save chat, re-locate chatlog file, open sessions folder.
- Added a tool in the menu: siege times. This will open a small image in a window with the current sieging times.
- "Player" ban list: some names are now automatically blocked from being parsed, like Dux, Stormwing and such. In a next version you will be able to edit this list and add players or restrict the metering to your own group (both temporal and permanent "blocks").
- Added an option: "siege mode". With this enabled, some hits will not be registered, like some dots, pets, servants, godstone hits, all the data that can be easily mixed up by the same class hitting a unique mob, which would severely alter the damage giving false dmg to some players. Some dmg will be missed with this enabled, but it will more accurately reflect everyone's dps.
- Fixed an issue with sin's Venom and sorc's Wind Cut Down dot.
- Made the window on-top again by default. (to see it over your Aion client, you can't use Full Screen (but windowed full screen works).
- Added some missing data in the session logs.
- Damage done by your own reflect/shield is now identified as such (showed up as "melee dmg" before).

0,61 beta
2011-09-27 10:59:42
- Major changes to the UI, though mostly testing colors and sizes for the player boxes. Click on the player name and damage text to open skills/copy data.
- Player boxes will change color and and "push" down while actively doing dps. Pushed = actively dpsing; just coloured = recently active.
- Added feature: table comparison of damage/skills etc for the same classes (useful in raids/sieges)
- Added splash screen and changed about window picture.
- Some changes and fixes to damage and dps metering.
- Improved speed.
- Made siege times window centered on the screeen.
- Added a "blues/golds" counter. Type "#b" in game to increase b, "#g" for golds.
- Added "copy all" option in the menu for damage/dps, as well as clearing options for both damage and AP separately.
- Added mouse scroll functionality to players area.
- Added a counter for overall dps/peak dps/max hit/damage (for all the players). Displayed on the caption bar for now, sry ^^

0,7 beta
2011-10-13 17:28:19
New beta is here:

- Added a 64-bit version
- Some UI changes
- Improved damage parsing
- Added faction translation tool
- Splash screen is now faded and click-through
- Splash screen and version check are disabled when you run a new instance from the menu
- Added command-line parameters "-nosplash" and "-noversioncheck"
- Added screenshot upload tool. Use it to upload the damage/players box to Imgur with 1 click
- Added a notification while siege mode is enabled
- Added "loot history" window. This works together with the in-game commands for b/g
- Changed b/g commands from #b/#g to +b/+g
- Added in-game command for translation: "translate EA asmo are all noobs" for elyos-to-asmo translation, or "translate AE we are the easy-mode faction" for asmo-to-elyos
- Added in-game command "alldmg" to copy damage data to clipboard
- Added a window to input and edit your character names. This is needed to restrict in-game commands to your own typing , and also helps damage parsing with certain skills like Summon Whirlwind, some damage shields and others (to identify your hits).
- You can now copy in-game commands to clipboard rather than having to type them out in group etc, just type it, select the text and copy/cut to clipboard, and ARM will catch it and process the requested operation just as if you'd pressed enter instead.
- Added AP Relics tool. You can keep track of all your characters' AP and relics in this window. You can also retrieve the current AP amount from the website with a button click (for english and german servers).
- Added a damage/dps profiler to test different skill rotations or w/e.
- Alpha blending value is now remembered upon restart
- Added a button to hide the main window; only the button will remain then on the screen, faded, click it to bring the main window back.
- Added a setting for switching "Always on top".
- Added items database to show the names in the chat window rather than the previous item number ids.

0.8 will focus on UI changes, group/ally dmg restrictions and a revision to sm pets dmg (I think there are some bugs with sm pet skills, and the asmo equivalent to Tempest is still missing)


0.7 bug fix
2011-10-14 16:49:53
Uploaded a new build with the following fix:

- In the AP calc tool, only the telemachus link in the menu worked for retrieving the character AP data.
small 0.7 update
2011-10-19 20:00:28
Updated the 0.7 beta client with the following changes:

- fix: when you ran a new instance from the menu, the new one didn't load the settings/log path
- feature: added in the Tools menu: "Kill aion process"

In the last Aion 2,7 client they are forcing you to wait 10 seconds if you click on the X or alt-f4 etc to close the game. While I understand they do this to -try- stopping forceloggers in pvp, it's really an annoyance and not really stopping anyone to do so, there are always ways around that; I'm used to close the game just normally like that when running in windowed mode, so this was really annoying. The feature might be a bit controversial and against the EULA? I don't know.. but then, if this was bannable, they might as well ban you for using Windows to start with since you can just kill the aion process from the task manager as well, so w/e.
2011-11-03 18:04:56
I've been getting a few emails requesting translation of my parser to other languages like french, german, spanish.. so this is a general reply for future reference.

I don't like nor believe in localisation for software and media, and believe everything should remain in English before wasting time and resources into unnecessarily translating into other languages.

Therefore, the parser will remain in English and I won't be making any translation options available.

If you are having issues due to using the german or french clients, I suggest you use the english one, you can still connect to any European server with that one afaik.

The only thing I'd consider is an option/setting for the Korean and Japanese clients (the app would still be in English, but would support korean and japanese game logs for parsing).
0.8 beta
2011-11-26 10:37:04
So here's a new version ^^

Changelog: (extremelly boring, don't bother reading!)

  • In-game commands changed: .ap .dmg .bb .gg .tr .si .rank .kill .ss .css .uss .clear - check Help/Tips for a complete list of available commands.

  • Added commands to show siege times, ranks table, kill aion process.

  • Added a warning on the main window when the chatlog file exceeds 200 MB. If you click it, a window pops up with options to automatically delete the file or rename it with the current date as pattern, and automatically kill Aion process before (required).

  • Added always-on-top option to Damage Profiler tool.

  • Clipboard copy commands (dps/ap) are now trimmed to 255 characters (Aion limit -.-).

  • Added "MouseMove" on Damage Profiler tool (move the window by dragging it from anywhere besides the caption bar).

  • Fixed MouseMove on the main ARM window (it didnt work on certain areas).

  • Added a popup menu when you right-click the b/g text for +/-/reset.

  • Loot History window now keeps track of all looted items. Manually added ones with .bb/.gg are split into another box.

  • Added recognition for promise/blessing of wind hits for cleric/chanter, but only for self-hits (others wont register the hit).

  • Dettached the chat from the main window. It's automatically docked, but you can undock it and freely move/resize it separately.

  • Player names will change color when actively dpsing, from green (dpsing) to light blue (dpsing some seconds ago) back to white (idle).

  • Improved detection of non-player hits to exclude from players list (mob names and such).

  • Added a setting to show hits from mobs (not permanent). (this is useful f.e to test the dmg mobs do on you with different gear etc).

  • Fixed: some pvp hits from the other faction or duels now register properly. (not sure if all, needs further testing).

  • Reflect shield hits will now register to yourself properly (a separate player was added before).

  • Skills window now has 2 buttons to refresh the table, and to auto-refresh every second.

  • Added crit % rate and average damage per skill to skills list window.

  • Added a display bar for all dmg/dps (damage from everyone together); it shows current dps - average dps - peak dps - max dps - damage.

  • Added commands and menu options to take and upload Aion and damage screenshots; they are saved in PNG (as opposed to Jpeg by Aion client which lose some quality). Uploaded ones are Jpeg though instead, to save on upload time.

  • Added a table to show how much AP you win and lose according to rank. (available in the tools menu or typing .rank)

  • Windows will now "snap" to the edges as you approach them when dragging.

  • Added a popup menu to the player displays with options to bring up skills window, copy damage data, remove/ban from parsing.

  • Added player removal/ban. You can now remove single players from the main window without clearing them all. You can also ban player names from being parsed, either temporarily (until you restart) or permanently. You can edit the banned names in Settings/Edit banned players.

  • Added search/filter option on the chat window.

  • Added a screenshot button to the main window.

That's all for now. Things still pending to-do:

- Improve UI. Alternate UI.
- Complete sm pets skills testing. Added asmo 2K DP pet recognition.
- Remove siege mode and generate queues for cleric servants cast on the same mob.
- Add a setting to parse only group or ally members.
- Add a display with more data when you click on a player box.
- Hide AP display when not in use.

2011-11-30 09:35:58
New version:

  • Added a "player database" feature. Little tool to keep track of players; you can add them from their player box or through the management tool under Tools/Player Database. You can pick between 4 "scores": blacklist, bad, neutral, good, which will show in different colors. You can access the tool also in-game with the comand ".db".

  • Added an option "Open Aion folder"



2011-12-04 09:40:50
Added my system.cfg file to "how to enable chatlog" page, you can download it at the end on part 3; if you were unable to enable chatlog through methods 1 and 2, this should work 100%.
2011-12-06 07:35:02
New version:

  • Added a new setting to specify your main server.

  • Added command ".new" to start a new instance of the program.

  • Added command ".ps name" to make a search for a player in the Aion website, filtered by your server.

  • Added some players to the permanent block list, these will be filtered out and not parsed by ARM. The program will also close itself if used by players in the blocked list.

  • When new players join your group, a new player box will automatically be added.

  • Added a warning when players in your bad/blacklist database join your group, you will get a notification in the tray. Additionally, a warning text will appear in their player box in red. The text warning will also appear for players not in your group (or you joined after them) when their dps is parsed.

  • Added a permanent warning list per server of known scammers/ninja players. You can post screenshots etc here to get new players added to the permanent warning list. Players in telemachus currently in the list well known for ninja/scam actions: Spriggan, Hlektrolos, Chuquan, Akayara.

2011-12-11 20:18:21
small update,

  • Fixed some dots and poisons from mobs and pvp that weren't being assigned to the casters

  • Added score/ninja warning when people join your alliance (only group before)

  • Added also the warning for people not in your group/ally or who were already in before you joined

  • Moved loot history to the chat window

  • Added a filter to the player database window and made it larger by default

  • Fixed reflect shields from mobs and pvp, they weren't assigned to the caster

0,83 update
2011-12-12 00:54:09
small update to 0.83 build:

Added an option in the player menu "check gear" to do the same as the in-game command ".ps playername"
Added player "Overpower" to permanent ninja/scammer list of Telemachus for warnings.
Added a confirmation dialog when you try to add a player to the database which already exists.
0.83 small fix
2011-12-13 11:18:56
Uploaded a new 0.83 build to fix a bug introduced in the last update, where reflect shields were not recognized as belonging to you.
2012-01-22 15:25:54
New beta:

- Added support for Logitech G15 keyboards LCD display. This is experimental and very limited, you can see your damage, current dps, average dps; the first 2 buttons reset the meter and take an Aion screenshot. To enable, click on Settings/Use Logitech..., then you have to manually load the applet from the list in the LCD, it's displayed as "Aion RainMeter".

Note: this works only in the 32-bit version at the moment.

0.85 beta
2012-02-07 07:13:52
New beta:

- Edited scammers list for server Telemachus
- Added warning for cheaters/hackers for Telemachus, with 27 players from legions including Reload, Equinoxe, Valkan Mafia, Empire of Death
2012-02-08 05:12:33
* Added capture raw log tool
* Added timestamp to skills window hits
0.87 beta
2012-02-13 10:30:16
* Major speed improvements in data parsing
* Godstone damage will now be shown when you copy either a player's damage data or all players data to clipboard
* Damage from bosses will now be shown if you enable the option "Show damage from misc mobs".
* AP relic count is disabled for players with ninja/scam/hack warnings.
* The app will close itself if it has been hex-edited or any of its resources modified, or if it fails to determine the user country based in their IP.

* 64-bit version is discontinued starting from this release.
2012-02-14 00:18:11
0.87 had some issues where it would randomly crash. Redownload it again and it will be fine, the new build has those issues fixed.
2012-02-14 14:59:40
* Updated Aionscript checker/injection module and log analyzer (checks for weird skill timings in search of hacking players).
0.88 beta
2012-02-16 04:36:50
* Removed country check/block
* Added a new tool to set an "alarm" for items you want to buy which players sell in LFG: you set the items you want and minimize the window, whenever someone links any of the items in LFG, the window taskbar button will flash and a notification will appear through the tray icon.

You can access the new feature via the Tools menu. Chat features must be enabled for this to work.

NotAion support
2012-02-18 06:05:11
new build:

* Added support for private server NotAion Might counter.

Whenever you acquire Might (the currency used to buy gear etc) or buy something from the shop, the AP counter in your player display will instead show you the amount of Might you have earned since starting the app, and the total Might you have in brackets (requires acquiring Might first to update the counter).

new build
2012-02-19 13:49:43

  • Updated hack cheater detection code.

  • Changed notification for new versions, you'll get a tray balloon msg instead.

2012-02-19 14:43:24

  • 1 more update to AionScript detection routine.

0.9 beta
2012-02-29 05:11:54
This is a bit rushed as I intended to publish this version a bit later with some more fixes and changes, but today the new European publisher Gameforge took over, and their launcher does something extremelly annoying: it auto-checks and updates files by default without asking; by doing so, it replaces my Japanese voice pack and redownloads the English voices everytime.

So I added a new feature to ARM that I wanted to share: ability to run Aion without the launcher, so your files won't be touched.

Full changelog:

  • Chanter promise/blessing of wind and cleric promise of wind are now recognized also for other players than your own, as long there is only 1 of the class in the players list displayed.

  • Most Auto atk/pvp hits are now being registered.

  • The damage parsing code has gone through a major rewrite, now recognizing both asmo/elyos random additional rune dot (blood/darkness rune), and lots of improvements in a siege scenario. Cleric servants and most dots are now limited to a certain amount of hits per caster/mob, taking into account the summoning order. This should help make siege data a lot more accurate (though still far from perfect).

  • G15 code rewritten; the code to generate every frame display was taking around 200 ms, causing heavy flickering; it's now reduced to 20-25.

  • Added "Tools/Run AION (Europe)" to run Aion without the launcher. (only for european clients).

  • Added Run/Close (Aion) buttons to the G15 LCD.

  • Updated hacker list for telemachus and cheating apps detection.

  • Most messages are now displayed through a balloon in the tray icon.

  • Fixed an issue where screenshots taken with ARM ended up blank.

  • Fixed data copy, it was showing incorrect information for godstones combined damage.

  • Added a benchmark option under Help/benchmark.

  • Added timestamps to the chat window.

  • Added a "virtual" player, "Unknown", it will appear in the list if the parser fails to recognize some hits. You can see the entire skill list as if it was a normal player.

  • Fixed crits % in the skills list window, it wasn't calc'ed properly sometimes.

  • Lots of other fixes and performance improvements.

There are many other things half-done which I couldn't finish for this build, expect to see a lot of further improvements in the next update.

2012-02-29 06:27:19
One more little update:

  • The "Run Aion" feature will launch the 64-bit automatically if it detects you are using a x64 windows.

2012-03-01 19:31:51

  • Fixed a bug in last build which gave a crash/exception error, redownload 0.9 (it's a new build).

Thanks to AlphaD from AionSource for the testing.
Clarification about AionScript detection development, Mortred case
2012-03-02 19:06:10

I've recently gotten attention from various sources about a banned player claiming to help in the ARM development, the story is as follows:

Player Mortred, governor in US server Israphel, was recently caught on a livestream with AionScript in his Aion folder, and was thus banned. It seems he has been asking all major legions and players to support him asking NC to unban him, with the excuse that he had helped in the development of the AionScript detection code in my damage meter application and he had the cheating app only for testing and development purposes (according to what I've been told).

This is completely false, since the only developer involved in my meter application is ME, nobody else is involved in any way other than helping test and supply damage log data.

I guess he picked this excuse thinking we wouldn't hear about it since I play in European servers.

Video/screenshots taken with AionScript in his folder:

Please note that you aren't welcome to use my dmg meter if you run AionScript, the meter will detect it and terminate itself; renaming the AS filename won't help either.
