
Setup, in a few simple steps:

  • Select your main Aion folder path
  • Click on “Enable Chatlog”
  • Enter your character names in the box below the Aion path
  • Select your server and faction
  • Save/Close

If you are still having trouble after this, please do step 1 here:


Using the program:

Player window

  • 1. You can click here to open the skills window
  • 2. Click here to copy the player dps data to clipboard
  • 3. Hover the mouse here with the window active, to see more data
  • 4. Click here to switch to Relics AP (automatic when you loot). Hover the mouse over to view dmg %

Player menu:

You can right-click any player window to get this menu

  • 1. Open a window with full details of skill usage, timing, hits damage %, averages etc
  • 2. Copy dps/damage data to clipboard
  • 3. Add this player to local player database (more on this below)
  • 4. Manual adjustment of looted AP relics count
  • 5. Show a list of the looted AP relics, if any
  • 6. Launch player profile in the website (not available for European servers and US-Kahrun)
  • 7. Set this player as “in my group” for more specific data-copy and parsing (set it in the main menu)
  • 8. You can select a name from those in the setup if it’s your own character, to be used in the dmg/dps data copy
  • 9. If you think this player is hacking, you can generate a report with all their skill timings/damage and the portion
  • of the raw log that belongs to them, it will be copied to your clipboard as text, ready to paste in a ticket to the publisher
  • 10. Block the player from being parsed in the meter until the next time you run it
  • 11. Permanently block the player from being parsed (can be edited in the main menu settings)
  • 12. Set this player as “Enemy” faction; it will be coloured differently from then on. This is a per-server setting
  • 13. Remove player from the current list

Player Colors:

  • Blue’ish: yourself
  • Yellow/gold: in your group or ally. Automatically set when they join. You can also manually set them.
  • Purple: opposite faction (must be set manually)
  • Grey: not identified as part of a group or faction, could be anything

Main Menu

  • Run new instance: launch a copy of the program to run in paralel. Portable one (/portable) will use a different folder to read the settings from, so it’s an easy way to keep a separate install if you play both in Euro and US servers and need different settings on each. so you don’t have to re-do them all the time.
  • Load/Save session: you can store your current session to a file, including all the players data/skills/ap etc, and load it some other time with the same exact values it had. You can also share these files with other people to open on their end.
  • Process another log file: process data from some older log file. Some data won’t be 100% accurate with this method.
  • Save Chat..: export the text from the chat windows to files.
  • Open folders: “Screenshots” folder refers to ARM’s own SS folder, not Aion’s (for screenshots you take with ARM)
  • Freeze chat: stop adding chat text to the chat windows.

  • Start Aion: launch Aion from ARM. You need to configure the path and server in the settings first. The 64-bit client will be selected automatically if available.
  • Kill frozen.. : close Aion instantly
  • Dps profiler: graphs with dmg/dps
  • Players Database: keep your local small database of players you play with, and set them a score and comments. Bad score will give a warning when they join the group or dps nearby.
  • AP Calc: simple calculator for AP relics
  • Faction translator: translation text between both factions
  •  Siege times: opens a table with European server siege times
  • AP ranks table: (I think this is outdated),  ap gain/loss table at different ranks
  • Capture raw log: very useful tool to find stuff in the log and re-process small portions
  • Item library: Find and copy data for any Aion item to link in-game
  • Set alarm: explained later
  • Upload/take/copy: These will capture/store/upload screenshots of the Aion client or the ARM dps data (more on this later)

  • Copy..: copy data in several formats, ready to be pasted from clipboard
  • Clear.. : reset data
  • Class filters: removes all current players from display  except the selected class
  • Graphs/analysis:  filter an encounter by class/mob/boss
  • Compare class damage: creates a table showing all the skills per class, comparing average damage, number of hits, etc
  • Add group/ally members: add members of your group manually when you have the setting to show only group/ally members
  • Remove players not in grp/ally: removes non-group/ally players from current display
  • Remove pve damage: removes all hits not considered “pvp”

  • Main S: opens main settings window
  • * Register only pvp: only hits considered “pvp” will be counted towards dmg/dps and registered
  • ** Register only me/grp/ally: players not in your group etc won’t be registered. You must add player names manually for this via Data/Add..
  • Register dmg from mobs: mobs will also be included in the parsing.

 * ARM’s icon will change as a visual hint that the option is enabled


** The settings menu will change as a visual hint that the option is enabled

  • Show processing time: Load % will be displayed, showing the amount of time ARM needs to process data every second
  • Edit banned players: edit list of temporal/permanent parse blocks
  • Visual styles: change window theme
  • (New) Minimalist UI: hide all interface controls except player windows. Restore the UI via tray-menu or double-clicking on any empty area.

Stuff on the status bar

The small panel on the bottom of the window shows a few things. Click it to alternate between 3 different views:

Ap/kills: AP gain from quests/pvp and number of PVP kills.
Kinah (gained)/Spent

The panel right above this also shows some data when you hover the mouse over, from all the players combined:


Skills Window

This feature shows very detailed info about all your skill usage, timing, mobs/players you hit etc. You can also search/filter by time/mob/skill/dmg by typing on the search bar. Click on the skills on the left pane to filter by skill.

You can also copy portions of the data with right-click:


Players DB

Maintain a player database where you can set scores, and get warnings when bad scored players join the group or dps nearby


Raw log capture window

This is a very powerful area where you can load and reprocess portions of the previous log, as well as filtering by specific terms.


AP Relic sharing

You can have the AP relics looted counted automatically and displayed in each player box. This is completely automatic, when a relic is looted, the counter will be updated. (this feature is disabled for players on bad score or deemed as hackers/scammers)

To show the current amount, simply type “.ap” in the chat, or select/cut it from the textbox, and ARM will copy the AP amount to the clipboard ready to paste.


Item library and Alarms


G15/510 LCD


In-game faction translation

Simply type “.tr this is the text to be translate” and press enter (the text must appear on-screen/in the log), OR select/cut it, then ARM will catch it and translate it, then put it back in the clipboard ready to paste.

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11 years ago

ok got it if i run both as admin it works fine :)

11 years ago

already tried but still not work :/ the only thing whats working is delete the system.cfg or exchange it witch a new one from friends :/

11 years ago

since i installed aion rainmeter i cannot login with my 64 bit client after char selection occures an error Aion GameClient OTCBuildClient 64 doesen´t work anymore on 32 bit client it works very well any fix or setting to avoid this error?

12 years ago

K, I resolved it by changing the screen mode to window full screen

12 years ago

Why doesn’t the damage box appear ingame?
I have the ‘always on top’ thing on and the damage is being calculated.

12 years ago

My rainmeter opens and instantly closes. Happened some days back, have no idea why :o


12 years ago

An french update ? plz juste language for chat log and item db it’ will be the best :)

12 years ago

Im using ARM,and its working fine….just wanted to ask this: when im going to siege and making dps list with arm,can i get list of players with numbers? I mean i want to know my position on the dps list.thanks

12 years ago

There’s a Way to Save Setting ? always the options Like ” Register only me/Group/ ally”
“Register from mob/Bosses” are reset when cloes ARM.

Anyone have any idea ?


12 years ago

When opening the database i get an error message saying ”” is not a valid integer value. Any idea why?

12 years ago

It is work on the TAIWAN Server?

12 years ago

What do you mean paging file ? I’m not used to Windows …

11 years ago
Reply to  admin

Is your paging file located on your SSD ? I’ve got the same problem Ayla has. I’ve just installed a new SSD and made some OS optimizations (like moving the paging file on a classic HDD). Now, I’ve got some freezes when lot of logs are made. I will try today to move my paging file back to the SSD and check for the freezes. Do you know if there is a way to move the chat log file to a classic HDD (and set ARM to deal with it) in order to avoid writing continually on the SSD where… Read more »

11 years ago
Reply to  admin

I have set back the paging file to the SSD and updated W7 to W7SP1. I’ve been able to do a full dredgion without any freeze.
More tests on the next 2/3 days.
Then I’ll will make again some tests with the paging file on another HDD to determine if the issue comes from the paging file or the Windows update.


12 years ago

Problem seems solved by playing on my HDD. Is my SSD damaged ?

12 years ago

I’ll try to put Aion on a HDD after my dredgion, will tell you if there is some improvement.

12 years ago

Hi, i have some trouble while using Aion Rainmeter.

I have alot of freezes when there is alot of damage done around me.

I have a i7 + 12Go Ram + GTX560 + Fresh new install of windows 64x & eveything is on a SSD (Aion + Windows + Aion Rainmeter).

Any clue ?

12 years ago

Happens every single time about 10 seconds after a fight or loot event (which of course generally involves a fight). My client is English and I am running Windows 7.

12 years ago

I am getting an error with the clipboard. Shortly after I loot, or after a fight I get a dialogue box that says “Cannot open clipboard: Access is denied”. Any thoughts on how to fix this?

12 years ago

any chance this could be used to access the developer console?
or just to change the fov with g_minfov?

12 years ago

Out of curiosity, is there a different format for people who use steam? or would you install and get it running in the same manner.

12 years ago

OK thank you for your quick reply

12 years ago

Does it work on private server like infinite aion ?
ty for your work

12 years ago

thank u :’)

12 years ago

vehalla? anuhart? other? (other doesn’t work)

12 years ago

but what’s the name of sutharan serv? don’t found it =s

12 years ago

it works on french server please? (suthran)

12 years ago

Another update: (lol)
I restored the original chat.log file and clicked on the WARNING: LARGE LOG FILE link on the bottom of your program. It prompted me to delete the old one, which I did, and now it’s working fine. Not sure why that worked exactly, but I thought I’d let you know.

12 years ago

Update: When I originally ran your program I got a notification that my chat.log was a large file. Thinking that this file had been collecting data for about 12 months (since I originally used KDM) I deleted the file (thinking I could create a new one). However I just retrieved it from the recycle bin and it shows that there was data written to it today. However, the file is so large I can’t get it to open in notepad or anything. Should I restore this file and deal with it being large or was I on the right track… Read more »

12 years ago

Yep, I checked after logging into a character (and then several different characters) then after several restarts. 0 bytes in the chat.log. I also checked the system.cfg, that line of code DOES exist. Right now I have ARM open and I have nothing in there, just a brown background. I used to use KDM back in the day but it stopped working for me quite suddenly after a patch (although others were able to use theirs after that). I have also deleted the chat.log, and the system.ovr several times and have redone them. What am I missing here?

12 years ago

I can’t get the program running. Have a chat log but it’s empty. Also have a system.ovr file. Still nothing. Dying to try this out! Any suggestions?

12 years ago

What does the aion script means when you talking about detection ?

12 years ago

How will I know if someone is using aion script?

12 years ago

Yeah, sorry about the delayed response. i was so excited that it just randomly started working that i forgot to update you. I just used the cfg one last time, and it randomly worked.

12 years ago

Now it is obtaining chat log information, but nothing to do with combat :(

12 years ago

I tried that one as well :( doesnt seem to have much impact either :(

12 years ago

The only issue im running into.. i had to reinstall aion, and i dont have a chat.log file now. Not entirely sure how to get one. No one else seems to know what i mean.. i set up the system.ovr file… but as i said there is no Chat.log
any suggestions?

12 years ago

Is there any way to help you out making new versions?
Im so satisfied of this program, that i would love, to help develop this program!
Keep going on with your great job! :D

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