Aion EU “won’t be p2w, only cosmetic items in the shop”

“I ended up spending 103k aion coins on cards to get all 24/24 cards for the top reward.”

That’s around 4900 euro / $5160. On a sidenote.. someone spent 5k euro and still gets treated like crap by GF.

Aion guides: 71 to 75 in 3 days

  • Step 1: wait for next alchemist event
  • Step 2: spend around 20-21k euro in the shop (exp amulets, tea of repose, stars, reset scrolls..)
  • Step 3: profit

That’s what happened in Antri asmo side (governor)

Gameforge 2012 when they took over EU: “we won’t have any p2w, only cosmetic stuff”

Gameforge gives ~2K game-breaking potions.. to just a few players

Maybe you haven’t heard about this if you don’t visit the forums or check their website much, this is what happened:

For the birthday event Gameforge gave everyone 2000 Cellatu pots, 1k for HP, 1k for MP, unaware that these pots also remove 3 debuffs as opposed to just 2 with the normal ones. Upon realizing their “mistake” they decided to take 95% of the pots away on the next maintenance, leaving players with just 50 of each.

Cellatu pots

So what happened? they didn’t put much thought into the script that would run through the database to check players’ inventory and remove the items: some players who had a large amount of the pots previously obtained through their wallet (buying keys for shugo etc) had ALL of their pots taken away, even 4K of them, but the worst part… the script didn’t check for all of the inventory slots, it stopped after finding these pots in 1, so if someone had split theirs in separate stacks.. only one of the stacks got removed:

So imagine someone doing something like this, maybe in piles of 50 each:


they would get to keep 950 of the pots, x2 = 1900 of these OP pots vs the rest of players who were left with 50, creating a situation of huge unfair disadvantage vs those with the 50 vs those who kept most.

How did GF fix it? they didn’t, they won’t, they said they will leave this as is, nice huh.

we decided to not run another removal of the items

we checked the numbers of how many players were actually affected by this and

^ “we know who kept them but can’t be arsed to fix our mistake”

this was our mistake and we want to apologize for the situation. We hope for your understanding.

Yeah well, our “understanding” won’t fix the unfair situation you created for us, so go and fix it, this is inexcusable.

Youtube unblocked Aion video

If you follow my website, you will know Gameforge recently made ilegal false claims of property against a user video who was showing how they banned some players without reason, and so the video was blocked for everyone. I advised my friend to contest the fake claim by GF and they just now unblocked it after reviewing the case, so the video is now up for all to see again:

[youtuber youtube=’′]

(updated-3) Ineptforge strikes again

Edit: July 26th

Youtube unblocked the video after reporting the false ownership claims by Gameforge.


Edit: July 24th

Gameforge appears to be abusing their publishing license and made a false claim of copyright to Youtube to get the video blocked. My friend is getting it uploaded elsewhere and has also contacted YT to contest the fake claims. Will update soon with new link and the progress of this story. (Gameforge don’t own the game in any way, only NCSoft (Korea) does).

Audio-visual content administered by:


A friend asked me to post a video here, so there you go:

video reuploaded to Video:

[youtuber vimeo=’′]

banned video in YT:

[youtuber youtube=’′]

