Gameforge rip-off (again)

So GF put up the 100% supps in the shop again, check the prices:


NA price: 479 coins = 4,2 euro
GF price: 399 coins = 25 euro

GF is charging 6 times more, for the most outdated and incomplete version of Aion out of all the publishers (every other region has been on 4.5 for a while, and didn’t remove all the things GF did, like FTS, drop rates, and many other things).

Gameforge: “European Aion is only for germans now”

The complaints are still going hot since GF decided to kill half their playerbase yesterday, becoming the laughing stock of every other publisher (as if they weren’t already anyway).

Gameforge says it’s ok to hack/cheat (as long you got money for shop)

Recently there was a case of.. once again some hackers in Telamachus from criminal country  Dubai, these guys spend a fortune in the cash shop, so GF looks the other way and lets them use cheats as they please, going even as far as unbanning other hackers on request.

So recently 2 of these guys self-owned themselves by replying to hack accusations against them in the forums, saying like “everyone hacks.. look.. we frapped some hackers, so it’s ok, but we don’t hack, but it’s fine to do so”, in their own videos they forgot to turn off 360 degree radar hack, so everyone saw that and had a good laugh:

2013-07-05 - 15.32.54 ~ capture


So this was reported and the guy was apparently banned for a couple days and then free again. There is now a long thread in their forums about it, which is complete bs. The mods just say the same crap “hackers are permanently banned, hacks are not allowed, don’t lie” bla bla, while threatening and banning users for bringing this situation up. Support also downright ignores the issue, even Vian who’s usually sorta helpful among the staff won’t do anything either but the usual replies “we can’t share any info about this, no hacks are not allowed” bla bla, I guess he’s bound by contract to lie in support tickets and has no choice.

The hacker now goes around saying crap like “it’s only an addon, I didn’t know it was an offense, so I promised I won’t use again and they unban me”, ooooook, so now it’s “add-ons”, not hacks! :D


Ah well, nothing really new, but this needs more awareness amongst EU players to stop supporting this joke of a company that catters only to cheaters and scum.

Aion languages

Hackforge anounced today they will be translating the game for spanish, italian, polish, turkish, ..

I will not be working on having ARM run with these clients, as has been the case for french and german.

ARM will remain working with only English clients, although it will still work with others if you use the North American Aion data pak files. Translations for the program are also not planned, there is no need to translate software when it’s available in English.