3.60 update

  • Aion EU (ptwforge) 7.5 support
  • Updated data for all supported clients + AionEU (all retail except China)
  • Added support for private server Aion Destiny (English only)
  • Healing servant support (not fully tested)

I’ve redesigned how ARM uses client data so I can easily support more private servers. If you are playing on a PV that you think is popular enough to be in ARM, come Discord and let me know.

3.5 update

New important feature (beta): “High-load fix”

As we all know, having chatlog on during sieges or events with large amounts of players will freeze the game, with the only solution being disabling the chatlog, either through ARM, requiring a game restart, or using Shugo Console app, which is blocked in many regions with anti-cheating software. Now in this new update I added an experimental feature that will block the chatlog when ARM detects the game is experiencing high-load, like on sieges etc, and turn it back on after 5 minutes, without having to restart the game. Restarting ARM or switching servers will also turn it back on, and you can also do it manually with the options under the File menu. This feature is not invasive in any way to trigger anti-cheating software (shugo console instead writes on the game’s process memory), it’s a very simple operation directly on the log file. This feature is turned on by default.


Loot source and filter levels

Added loot source in the “Raid Loot” and each player’s loot window to indicate where it dropped, in the case of world boss drops or any system-wide drop message, as well as a filter to display only items of a certain grade or higher.