- Added an option to session uploads to include debug information. Use this if you see any error in the session data so we can better analyze what went wrong.
- Fixed some graphical issues on start-up
- Fixed a crash when auto-clearing the Chat.log
- Fixed items names recognition for 6.x clients
- Fixed wrong class recognition when using WoW/SoD
- Double-clicking on ARM session files while ARM is running no longer displays an admin prompt
- Added a feature “Restore/Remove Symlink” to move the Chat.log back to the AION folder
- Improved the “MOVE” feature for Chat.log location
- Added a link to a few freeware Ramdisk applications
- Added a setting (default: on) to automatically clear ARM when Beritra or Prigga (Frigida for NA) transform, plus an auto-backup option
- Fixed some issues when uploading sessions
- Fixed some missing skill icons
- Fixed ARM freeze/slow when closing the settings window
- Fixed crashes when switching UI styles
- Some speed improvements
- Added a shortcut button to switch transparent UI
- Fixed “Hide Interface” button