They added a new server recently, which is now getting merged into an old one, I guess due to low population. Players from the old server are safe, if there is a character name collision, only the characters from the new server are affected:
we will be consolidating the Ereshkigal server into the already existing Katalam server on May 22. Players on Katalam (and Danaria) will not be impacted by this consolidation, however, players coming from Ereshkigal will need to be aware of a number of very important things that could affect your character
They added a new server recently, which got merged into an old one, I guess due to low population. Players from the old server got screwed if they were not so active lately, with charnames from the new (few months old) server taking precedence over the server they merged into. Result: people have lost their charnames which they had for over 10 years since even before Gameforge took over the EU region, for characters which could be even just a few days old.