So the patch notes are finally out, along with some eye-cancer-inducing rainbow tables that a 10y old kid with Paint could do better:
So far people are commenting reduced content in comparison to the original NA version, like less IS/DR entries per week etc, let’s see what else they removed!
Where do you see less IS/DR entries per week? In the NA Patchnotes are 2 entries for IS and 3 for DR. We have 2/4, so one more for DR and the same for IS.
I will check and confirm when servers are up, just what I read in forums at the moment. We have less either way, as NA don’t need to pay for sub.
Without GP or anything they get 2xIS(Kata) 3xDR(Runa), whereas we get only 1 and 2.
With their boost pack which costs only 3,5 euro vs 10 euro for EU gold pack, they get: ISx3, DRx5