Did you know in Europe we pay a subscription model (gold pack) for $13/month? they call it “free to play” however.
This is the reasoning behind the free-to-play-but-still-pay-sub model, according to our publisher:
And this is the reality:
insta-spam when u enter sanctum/pande
2013.04.08 19:03:26 : [charname:Jntdykj;0.9490 0.3961 0.1333] Shouts: <WWW.*.COM> === <WWW.*.COM> === <WWW.*.COM> === <WWW.*.COM> === <WWW.*.COM> === <WWW.*.COM> === <WWW.*.COM> === <WWW.*.COM> === <WWW.*.COM> === 100M = 8 EUR 100M = 8 EUR
2013.04.08 19:03:29 : [charname:Sfdgfdr;0.9490 0.3961 0.1333] Shouts: WWW.*.COM === WWW.*.COM === WWW.*.COM === WWW.*.COM === WWW.Aionbank.COM === WWW.*.COM === WWW.*.COM === WWW.*.COM === WWW.*.COM === 50M+10%=4.8EUR 11
2013.04.08 19:03:34 : [charname:Jntdykj;0.9490 0.3961 0.1333] Shouts: <WWW.*.COM> === <WWW.*.COM> === <WWW.*.COM> === <WWW.*.COM> === <WWW.*.COM> === <WWW.*.COM> === <WWW.*.COM> === <WWW.*.COM> === <WWW.*.COM> === 100M = 8 EUR 100M = 8 EUR
2013.04.08 19:03:35 : [charname:Sfdgfdr;0.9490 0.3961 0.1333] Shouts: WWW.*.COM === WWW.*.COM === WWW.*.COM === WWW.*.COM === WWW.*.COM === WWW.*.COM === WWW.*.COM === WWW.*.COM === WWW.*.COM === 50M+10%=4.8EUR 11
also related:Â http://rainy.ws/2013/03/21/bribes-corruption-and-gameforge/
Wanna make a guess why they all hack in this legion and never got ban? :D
Hi im AION NA player from uk and i want to tell u if this would happen like these stones in Aion NA player would be banned in seconds i dont know what happened to eu version aion but i think im glad i dont transfer account to europe version
How does this guy get so many L120 ?
Buying spring lottery event tickets from shop. They spend a fortune in the shop so that GMs turn a blind eye to hacks.